Windows PowerShell command on Get-command XGetGCValues

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man XGetGCValues



XCreateGC, XCopyGC, XChangeGC, XGetGCValues, XFreeGC, XGCon-

textFromGC, XGCValues - create or free graphics contexts and

graphics context structure SYNTAX

cc [ flag... ] file... -lX11 [ library... ]

GC XCreateGC(Display *display, Drawable d, unsigned long valuemask, XGCValues *values); int XCopyGC(Display *display, GC src, unsigned long valuemask, GC dest); int XChangeGC(Display *display, GC gc, unsigned long valuemask, XGCValues *values);

Status XGetGCValues(Display *display, GC gc, unsigned long

valuemask, XGCValues *values_return);

int XFreeGC(Display *display, GC gc); GContext XGContextFromGC(GC gc); ARGUMENTS d Specifies the drawable. dest Specifies the destination GC. display Specifies the connection to the X server. gc Specifies the GC. src Specifies the components of the source GC. valuemask Specifies which components in the GC are to be set, copied, changed, or returned . This argument is the bitwise inclusive OR of zero or more of the valid GC component mask bits. values Specifies any values as specified by the valuemask.


Returns the GC values in the specified XGCValues structure.


The XCreateGC function creates a graphics context and

returns a GC. The GC can be used with any destination draw-

able having the same root and depth as the specified draw-

able. Use with other drawables results in a BadMatch error. X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 1 XLIB FUNCTIONS XCreateGC(3x11)

XCreateGC can generate BadAlloc, BadDrawable, BadFont, Bad-

Match, BadPixmap, and BadValue errors. The XCopyGC function copies the specified components from

the source GC to the destination GC. The source and desti-

nation GCs must have the same root and depth, or a BadMatch error results. The valuemask specifies which component to copy, as for XCreateGC. XCopyGC can generate BadAlloc, BadGC, and BadMatch errors. The XChangeGC function changes the components specified by

valuemask for the specified GC. The values argument con-

tains the values to be set. The values and restrictions are

the same as for XCreateGC. Changing the clip-mask overrides

any previous XSetClipRectangles request on the context.

Changing the dash-offset or dash-list overrides any previous

XSetDashes request on the context. The order in which com-

ponents are verified and altered is server dependent. If an error is generated, a subset of the components may have been altered. XChangeGC can generate BadAlloc, BadFont, BadGC, BadMatch, BadPixmap, and BadValue errors.

The XGetGCValues function returns the components specified

by valuemask for the specified GC. If the valuemask con-

tains a valid set of GC mask bits (GCFunction, GCPlaneMask, GCForeground, GCBackground, GCLineWidth, GCLineStyle, GCCapStyle, GCJoinStyle, GCFillStyle, GCFillRule, GCTile, GCStipple, GCTileStipXOrigin, GCTileStipYOrigin, GCFont,

GCSubwindowMode, GCGraphicsExposures, GCClipXOrigin, GCCLi-

pYOrigin, GCDashOffset, or GCArcMode) and no error occurs,

XGetGCValues sets the requested components in values_return

and returns a nonzero status. Otherwise, it returns a zero

status. Note that the clip-mask and dash-list (represented

by the GCClipMask and GCDashList bits, respectively, in the valuemask) cannot be requested. Also note that an invalid resource ID (with one or more of the three most significant bits set to 1) will be returned for GCFont, GCTile, and GCStipple if the component has never been explicitly set by the client. The XFreeGC function destroys the specified GC as well as all the associated storage. XFreeGC can generate a BadGC error. STRUCTURES The XGCValues structure contains: X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 2 XLIB FUNCTIONS XCreateGC(3x11) /* GC attribute value mask bits */ X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 3

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