Windows PowerShell command on Get-command Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest

Introduction to Library Functions Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest(3)


Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest - retrieve the audit digest.



TSS_RESULT Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest(TSS_HTPM hTpm, TSS_HKEY hKey,

TSS_BOOL closeAudit, UINT32* pulAuditDigestSize,

BYTE** prgbAuditDigest, TPM_COUNTER_VALUE* pCounterValue,

TSS_VALIDATION* pValidationData, UINT32* ordSize,

UINT32** ordList);


Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest is used to retrieve the audit dig-

est. The audit digest may be signed or unsigned. If the

audit digest is signed (hKey is non-NULL) then the current

audit digest, the current audit counter and, optionally, the

hash of the audited ordinal list and a signature are re-

turned. If the audit digest is not signed (hKey is NULL) then the current audit digest, the current audit counter and the full list of audited ordinals is returned.


hTpm Handle of the TPM object. hKey Handle of the signature key object (the handle can be NULL). closeAudit A flag indicating whether or not to close the current audit digest after it is signed. This parameter is ignored if hKey is NULL. pulAuditDigestSize Pointer to the size of the returned audit digest. prgbAuditDigest Pointer to a buffer that holds the returned audit digest. pCounterValue

Pointer to a TPM_COUNTER_VALUE structure that holds the re-

turned audit counter. pValidationData Pointer to a validation data structure. The validation data structure provides external information required to compute

the signature. On input, the fields representing the Exter-

nalData must contain an anti-replay nonce that will be used

in the signing operation. On output, this structure pro-

TSS 1.2 Last change: 2007-06-27 1

Introduction to Library Functions Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest(3)

vides a buffer containing the data used to compute the vali-

dation data and a buffer containing the validation data (a

signature generated by signing the data using the key refer-

enced by hKey). If this parameter is NULL then the TSS will perform the validation. This parameter is ignored if hKey is NULL. ordSize Pointer to the number of ordinals in the returned audited

ordinal list. This parameter is ignored if hKey is non-

NULL. ordList Pointer to a buffer that holds the returned audited ordinal

list. This parameter is ignored if hKey is non-NULL.


Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest returns TSS_SUCCESS on success, oth-

erwise one of the following values are returned:



TSS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR - An error occurred internal


Tspi_TPM_GetAuditDigest conforms to the Trusted Computing

Group Software Specification Version 1.2


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | library/security/trousers |


| Interface Stability| Uncommitted |


NOTES Source for trousers is available at

and at Documenta-

tion is available at file:///usr/share/man, and

TSS 1.2 Last change: 2007-06-27 2

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