Introduction to Library Functions Tspi_DAA_IssueInit(3)
TCG Software Stack Developer's ReferenceNAME
Tspi_DAA_IssueInit - initialize the Issuer for a join opera-
TSPICALL Tspi_DAA_IssueInit(
TSS_HKEY issuerAuthPK,
TSS_HKEY issuerKeyPair,
UINT32 capitalUprimeLength, BYTE* capitalUprime, UINT32 daaCounter, UINT32* nonceIssuerLength, BYTE** nonceIssuer, UINT32* authenticationChallengeLength, BYTE** authenticationChallenge,TSS_DAA_JOIN_ISSUER_SESSION* joinSession
Tspi_DAA_IssueInit is a function that is part of the DAA Is-
suer component. It's the first function out of 2 in order to issue a DAA Credential for a TCG Platform. It assumes that the endorsement key and its associated credentials are from a genuine and valid TPM. (Verification of the credentials is a process defined by the TCG Infrastructure WG.)PARAMETERS
hDAA The hDAA parameter is used to specify the handle of the DAA object. issuerAuthPKThe issuerAuthPKh parameter is the root authentication (pub-
lic) key of DAA Issuer. issuerKeyPair The issuerKeyPair parameter is the handle of the main DAA Issuer key pair (private and public portion). identityProofThe identityProof parameter is the structure containing en-
TSS 1.2 Last change: 2006-09-04 1
Introduction to Library Functions Tspi_DAA_IssueInit(3)
dorsement, platform and conformance credential of the TPM requesting the DAA Credential. capitalUprimeLengthThe capitalUprimeLength parameter is the length of capitalU-
prime which is . capitalUprime The capitalUprime parameter is U'. daaCounter The daaCounter parameter is the DAA counter. nonceIssuerLength The nonceIssuerLength parameter is the length of nonceIssuer (20 bytes). nonceIssuer The nonceIssuer parameter is the nonce of the DAA Issuer. authenticationChallengeLength The authenticationChallengeLength parameter is the length ofauthenticationChallenge (256 bytes - DAA_SIZE_NE1).
authenticationChallenge The authenticationChallenge parameter is the second nonce of the DAA Issuer that is encrypted by the endorsement public key. It is used as a challenge to authenticate the TPM. joinSession The joinSession parameter is the structure containing the DAA Join session information. RETURN CODESTspi_DAA_IssueInit returns TSS_SUCCESS on success, otherwise
one of the following values is returned:TSS_E_INVALID_HANDLE
Either the DAA is not valid.TSS_E_BAD_PARAMETER
An internal SW error has been detected. CONFORMING TOTspi_DAA_IssueInit conforms to the Trusted Computing Group
Software Specification version 1.2TSS 1.2 Last change: 2006-09-04 2
Introduction to Library Functions Tspi_DAA_IssueInit(3)
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | library/security/trousers ||____________________|_____________________________|_
| Interface Stability| Uncommitted ||____________________|____________________________|
NOTES Source for trousers is available at http://opensolaris.organd at Documenta-
tion is available at file:///usr/share/man, and 1.2 Last change: 2006-09-04 3