Tcl Library Procedures Tcl_CreateTrace(3TCL)
Tcl_CreateTrace, Tcl_CreateObjTrace, Tcl_DeleteTrace -
arrange for command execution to be tracedSYNOPSIS
Tcl_CreateTrace(interp, level, proc, clientData)
Tcl_CreateObjTrace(interp, level, flags, objProc, clientData, deleteProc)
Tcl_DeleteTrace(interp, trace)
ARGUMENTSTcl_Interp *interp (in) Interpreter
mand to be traced or untraced. int level (in) Onlycom-
mands at or below thisnest-
ing level will be traced unless 0 isspeci-
fied. 1 meanstop-
mands only, Tcl Last change: 1Tcl Library Procedures Tcl_CreateTrace(3TCL)
2 meanstop-
mands or those that are invoked asimmedi-
quences ofexe-
cedure bodies,brack-
mands, etc.) and so on. A value of 0 means thatcom-
mands at any level are traced. int flags (in) Flagsgovern-
ing the Tcl Last change: 2Tcl Library Procedures Tcl_CreateTrace(3TCL)
tion. See below for details.Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc *objProc (in) Procedure
to call for eachcom-
mand that'sexe-
cuted. See below for details of thecal-
ling sequence.Tcl_CmdTraceProc *proc (in) Procedure
to call for eachcom-
mand that'sexe-
cuted. See below for details on thecal-
ling sequence. ClientData clientData (in) Arbitraryone-
word Tcl Last change: 3Tcl Library Procedures Tcl_CreateTrace(3TCL)
value to pass to objProc or proc.Tcl_CmdObjTraceDeleteProc *deleteProc Procedure
to call when the trace is deleted. See below for details of thecal-
ling sequence. A NULL pointer isper-
sible and results in nocall-
back when the trace is deleted.Tcl_Trace trace (in) Token
for trace to be removed (return value from previous Tcl Last change: 4Tcl Library Procedures Tcl_CreateTrace(3TCL)
call toTcl_CreateTrace).
Tcl_CreateObjTrace arranges for command tracing. After it
is called, objProc will be invoked before the Tcl inter-
preter calls any command procedure when evaluating commandsin interp. The return value from Tcl_CreateObjTrace is a
token for the trace, which may be passed to Tcl_DeleteTrace
to remove the trace. There may be many traces in effect simultaneously for the same interpreter. objProc should have arguments and result that match thetype, Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc:
typedef int Tcl_CmdObjTraceProc(
ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp* interp,
int level, CONST char* command,Tcl_Command commandToken,
int objc,Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[] );
The clientData and interp parameters are copies of thecorresponding arguments given to Tcl_CreateTrace. Client-
Data typically points to an application-specific data struc-
ture that describes what to do when objProc is invoked. The level parameter gives the nesting level of the command (1for top-level commands passed to Tcl_Eval by the applica-
tion, 2 for the next-level commands passed to Tcl_Eval as
part of parsing or interpreting level-1 commands, and so
on). The command parameter points to a string containing the text of the command, before any argument substitution. ThecommandToken parameter is a Tcl command token that identi-
fies the command to be invoked. The token may be passed toTcl_GetCommandName, Tcl_GetCommandTokenInfo, or
Tcl_SetCommandTokenInfo to manipulate the definition of the
command. The objc and objv parameters designate the final parameter count and parameter vector that will be passed to the command, and have had all substitutions performed. The objProc callback is expected to return a standard Tclstatus return code. If this code is TCL_OK (the normal
case), then the Tcl interpreter will invoke the command. Any other return code is treated as if the command returned that status, and the command is not invoked. The objProc callback must not modify objv in any way. It is, however, permissible to change the command by callingTcl_SetCommandTokenInfo prior to returning. Any such change
takes effect immediately, and the command is invoked with Tcl Last change: 5Tcl Library Procedures Tcl_CreateTrace(3TCL)
the new information. Tracing will only occur for commands at nesting level lessthan or equal to the level parameter (i.e. the level parame-
ter to objProc will always be less than or equal to thelevel parameter to Tcl_CreateTrace).
Tracing has a significant effect on runtime performancebecause it causes the bytecode compiler to refrain from gen-
erating in-line code for Tcl commands such as if and while
in order that they may be traced. If traces for the built-
in commands are not required, the flags parameter may be setto the constant value TCL_ALLOW_INLINE_COMPILATION. In this
case, traces on built-in commands may or may not result in
trace callbacks, depending on the state of the interpreter,but run-time performance will be improved significantly.
(This functionality is desirable, for example, when usingTcl_CreateObjTrace to implement an execution time profiler.)
Calls to objProc will be made by the Tcl parser immediately before it calls the command procedure for the command(cmdProc). This occurs after argument parsing and substitu-
tion, so tracing for substituted commands occurs before tracing of the commands containing the substitutions. Ifthere is a syntax error in a command, or if there is no com-
mand procedure associated with a command name, then no trac-
ing will occur for that command. If a string passed toTcl_Eval contains multiple commands (bracketed, or on dif-
ferent lines) then multiple calls to objProc will occur, one for each command.Tcl_DeleteTrace removes a trace, so that no future calls
will be made to the procedure associated with the trace.After Tcl_DeleteTrace returns, the caller should never again
use the trace token.When Tcl_DeleteTrace is called, the interpreter invokes the
deleteProc that was passed as a parameter toTcl_CreateObjTrace. The deleteProc must match the type,
typedef void Tcl_CmdObjTraceDeleteProc(
ClientData clientData ); The clientData parameter will be the same as the clientDataparameter that was originally passed to Tcl_CreateObjTrace.
Tcl_CreateTrace is an alternative interface for command
tracing, not recommended for new applications. It is pro-
vided for backward compatibility with code that was developed for older versions of the Tcl interpreter. It issimilar to Tcl_CreateObjTrace, except that its proc parame-
ter should have arguments and result that match the type Tcl Last change: 6Tcl Library Procedures Tcl_CreateTrace(3TCL)
typedef void Tcl_CmdTraceProc(
ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp *interp,
int level, char *command,Tcl_CmdProc *cmdProc,
ClientData cmdClientData, int argc, CONST char *argv[]); The parameters to the proc callback are similar to those of the objProc callback above. The commandToken is replacedwith cmdProc, a pointer to the (string-based) command pro-
cedure that will be invoked; and cmdClientData, the clientdata that will be passed to the procedure. The objc parame-
ter is replaced with an argv parameter, that gives the argu-
ments to the command as character strings. Proc must not modify the command or argv strings.If a trace created with Tcl_CreateTrace is in effect, inline
compilation of Tcl commands such as if and while is always disabled. There is no notification when a trace createdwith Tcl_CreateTrace is deleted. There is no way to be
notified when the trace created by Tcl_CreateTrace is
deleted. There is no way for the proc associated with acall to Tcl_CreateTrace to abort execution of command.
KEYWORDS command, create, delete, interpreter, traceATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
| Availability | runtime/tcl-8 |
| Interface Stability| Uncommitted ||____________________|_________________|
NOTES Source for Tcl is available on Tcl Last change: 7