SDL API Reference SDL_AudioCVT(3)
SDL_AudioCVT - Audio Conversion Structure
STRUCTURE DEFINITION typedef struct{ int needed;Uint16 src_format;
Uint16 dest_format;
double rate_incr;
Uint8 *buf; int len;int len_cvt;
int len_mult;
double len_ratio;
void (*filters[10])(struct SDL_AudioCVT *cvt, Uint16 format);
int filter_index;
} SDL_AudioCVT;
STRUCTURE DATA needed Set to one if the conversion is possiblesrc_format Audio format of the source
dest_format Audio format of the destination
rate_incr Rate conversion increment
buf Audio buffer len Length of the original audio buffer in byteslen_cvt Length of converted audio buffer in
bytes (calculated)len_mult buf must be len*len_mult bytes in
size(calculated)len_ratio Final audio size is len*len_ratio
filters[10](..) Pointers to functions needed for this conversionfilter_index Current conversion function
The SDL_AudioCVT is used to convert audio data between dif-
ferent formats. A SDL_AudioCVT structure is created with the
SDL_BuildAudioCVT function, while the actual conversion is
done by the SDL_ConvertAudio function.
SDL Last change: Tue 11 Sep 2001, 22:58 1SDL API Reference SDL_AudioCVT(3)
Many of the fields in the SDL_AudioCVT structure should be
considered private and their function will not be discussed here. Uint8 *buf int lenint len_mult
double len_ratio
SDL_BuildAudioCVT, SDL_ConvertAudio, SDL_AudioSpec
SDL Last change: Tue 11 Sep 2001, 22:58 2