Common Fibre Channel HBA Information Library Functions
HBA_GetFcpTargetMapping, HBA_GetFcpTargetMappingV2 -
retrieve mapping between FCP-2 discovered devices and
operating system SCSI informationSYNOPSIS
cc [ flag... ] file... -lHBAAPI [ library... ]
HBA_STATUS HBA_GetFcpTargetMapping(HBA_HANDLE handle,
HBA_STATUS HBA_GetFcpTargetMappingV2(HBA_HANDLE handle,
handle an open handle returned fromHBA_OpenAdapter(3HBAAPI)
mapping a buffer in which to store the mappingentries. The mapping->NumberOfEntries member
must indicate the maximum number of entriesthat will fit within the buffer. On comple-
tion, the mapping->NumberOfEntries member
indicates the actual number of mapping entries for the HBA. This value can be greater than the number of entries the buffer can store. hbaPortWWN the Port Name of the local HBA Port for which the caller is requesting target mappings.DESCRIPTION
The HBA_GetFcpTargetMapping() function retrieves the current
set of mappings between FCP LUNs and SCSI LUNs for a given HBA port.The HBA_GetFcpTargetMappingV2() function retrieves the
current set of mappings between FCP LUNs and SCSI LUNs for a given HBA. The mapping also includes a Logical Unit Unique Identifier for each logical unit.RETURN VALUES
The HBA_GetFcpTargetMappingV2() function returns the follow-
ing values:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 Sep 2003 1
Common Fibre Channel HBA Information Library FunctionsHBA_GetFcpTargetMapping(3HBAAPI)
The port WWN specified by hbaPortWWN is not a valid port WWN on the specified HBAHBA_STATUS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED
Target mappings are not supported on the HBA.HBA_STATUS_ERROR
An error occurred.The HBA_GetFcpTargetMapping() and
HBA_GetFcpTargetMappingV2() functions return the following
The HBA was able to retrieve information.HBA_STATUS_ERROR_MORE_DATA
A larger buffer is required. The value of mapping-
>NumberOfEntries after the call indicates the totalnumber of entries available. The caller should reallo-
cate the buffer large enough to accomodate the indicated number of entries and reissue the routine. In the event that other error values are returned, the valueof mapping->NumberOfEntries after the call should be
checked, and if greater than the value before the call, alarger buffer should be allocated for a retry of the rou-
See libhbaapi(3LIB) for general error status values.EXAMPLES
Example 1 Return target mapping data.The following example returns target mapping data. It ini-
tially allocates space for one target mapping. If the numberSunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 Sep 2003 2
Common Fibre Channel HBA Information Library FunctionsHBA_GetFcpTargetMapping(3HBAAPI)
of entries returned is greater than the allocated space, a new buffer with sufficient space is allocated andHBA_GetFcpTargetMapping() is called again.
map = (HBA_FCPTARGETMAPPING *)calloc(1,
status = HBA_GetFcpTargetMapping(handle, map);
if (map->NumberOfEntries > 0) {
HBA_UINT32 noe = map->NumberOfEntries;
free(map);map = (HBA_FCPTARGETMAPPING *)calloc (1,
(sizeof (HBA_FCPSCSIENTRY)*(noe - 1)));
map->NumberOfEntries = noe;
if ((status = HBA_GetFcpTargetMapping(handle, map)) !=
fprintf(stderr, " Failed to get target ""mappings %d", status);
free(map); } else { printf(" FCP Mapping entries: \n"); for (cntr = 0;cntr < map->NumberOfEntries;
cntr ++) {printf(" Path(%d): \"%s\"\n", cntr,
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-
butes:SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 Sep 2003 3
Common Fibre Channel HBA Information Library FunctionsHBA_GetFcpTargetMapping(3HBAAPI)
| ____________________________|_____________________________|_
| Interface Stability | Committed || ____________________________|_____________________________|_
| | Standard: FC-HBA Version 4|
| | (API version 2) ||_____________________________|_____________________________|
| MT-Level | Safe |
| Standard | FC-MI 1.92 (API version 1) |
HBA_OpenAdapter(3HBAAPI), libhbaapi(3LIB), attributes(5)
T11 FC-MI Specification
The HBA_GetFcpTargetMapping() routine does not take a por-
tindex to define which port of a multi-ported HBA the com-
mand should apply to. The behavior on multi-ported HBAs is
vendor specific, and may result in mappings or bindings for all ports being intermixed in the response buffer. SNIAversion 2 defines a HBA_GetFcpTargetMappingV2() which takes
a Port WWN as an argument. This fixes the bug with multi-
ported HBAs in HBA_GetFcpTargetMapping().
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 Sep 2003 4
Common Fibre Channel HBA Information Library FunctionsHBA_GetFcpTargetMapping(3HBAAPI)
SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 Sep 2003 5