OpenSSL ERR_print_errors(3openssl)
NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEEERR_print_errors, ERR_print_errors_fp - print error messages
void ERR_print_errors(BIO *bp);
void ERR_print_errors_fp(FILE *fp);
DDDDEEEESSSSCCCCRRRRIIIIPPPPTTTTIIIIOOOONNNNERR_print_errors() is a convenience function that prints the
error strings for all errors that OpenSSL has recorded to bbbbpppp, thus emptying the error queue.ERR_print_errors_fp() is the same, except that the output
goes to a FFFFIIIILLLLEEEE. The error strings will have the following format: [pid]:error:[error code]:[library name]:[function name]:[reason string]:[file name]:[line]:[optional text message] error code is an 8 digit hexadecimal number. library name, function name and reason string are ASCII text, as is optional text message if one was set for the respective error code. If there is no text string registered for the given error code, the error string will contain the numeric code. RRRREEEETTTTUUUURRRRNNNN VVVVAAAALLLLUUUUEEEESSSSERR_print_errors() and ERR_print_errors_fp() return no
values. SSSSEEEEEEEE AAAALLLLSSSSOOOOerr(3), ERR_error_string(3), ERR_get_error(3),
ERR_load_crypto_strings(3), SSL_load_error_strings(3)
HHHHIIIISSSSTTTTOOOORRRRYYYYERR_print_errors() and ERR_print_errors_fp() are available
in all versions of SSLeay and OpenSSL.31/Jan/2000 Last change: 0.9.8o 1