Windows PowerShell command on Get-command DNSServiceQueryRecord

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man DNSServiceQueryRecord

DNS Service Discovery Library Functions



DNSServiceQueryRecord - query records from DNS


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -ldns_sd [ library ... ]


DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceQueryRecord(DNSServiceRef *sdRef,

DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex, const char *fullname,

uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rrclass,

DNSServiceServiceQueryRecordReply callBack, void *context);

typedef void(*DNSServiceQueryRecordReply)(DNSServiceRef DNSServiceRef,

DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,

DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, const char *fullname,

uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rrclass, uint16_t rdlen,

const void *rdata, uint32_t ttl, void *context);


The DNSServiceQueryRecord() function is used to query the

daemon for any DNS resource record type. The callback argu-

ment to DNSServiceQueryRecord() points to a function of type

DNSServiceQueryRecordReply() listed above. The sdRef parame-

ter in DNSServiceQueryRecord() points to an uninitialized

DNSServiceRef. The DNSServiceQueryRecord() function returns

kDNSServiceErr_NoError and initializes sdRef on success. The

query runs indefinitely until the client terminates by pass-

ing the initialized sdRef from the query call to DNSServi-

ceRefDeallocate(). The flag kDNSServiceFlagsLongLivedQuery should be passed in

the flags argument of DNSServiceQueryRecord() to create a

"long-lived" unicast query in a non-local domain. This flag

has no effect on link local multicast queries. Without this

flag, unicast queries will be one-shot and only the results

that are available at the time of the query will be

returned. With long-lived queries, add or remove events that

are available after the first call generate callbacks. The interfaceIndex argument specifies the interface on which to issue the query. Most applications will pass a 0 as the interfaceIndex to make the query on all interfaces. See the section "Constants for specifying an interface index" in

. The fullname argument indicates the full domain

name of the resource record to be queried. The rrtype argu-

ment indicates the resource record type:

kDNSServiceType_PTR, for example. The rrclass argument holds

the class of the resource record to be queried

(kDNSServiceClass_IN). The context argument can be NULL and

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DNS Service Discovery Library Functions


points to a value passed to the callback function.

The sdRef argument passed to the callback function is ini-

tialized by the call to DNSServiceQueryRecord(). Possible

values for the flags parameter to the callback function are kDNSServiceFlagsMoreComing and kDNSServiceFlagsAdd. The kDNSServiceFlagsMoreComing value is set to indicate that

additional results are immediately available. The kDNSServi-

ceFlagsAdd value indicates that the results returned to the

callback function are for a valid DNS record. If kDNSServi-

ceFlagsAdd is not set, the results returned are for a delete event. The errorCode passed to the callback is

kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success. Otherwise, failure is

indicated and other parameter values are undefined. The fullname parameter indicates the full domain name of the resource record . The rrtype indicates the resource record type. The rrclass indicates the class of the DNS resource record. The rdlen parameter indicates the length of the resource record rdata in bytes. The rdata parameter points

to raw rdata of the resource record. The ttl parameter indi-

cates the time to live of the resource record in seconds. The context parameter points to the value passed by the

application in the context argument to the DNSService-

QueryRecord() call.


The DNSServiceQueryRecord function returns

kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success. Otherwise, an error code

defined in is returned to indicate the specific

failure that occurred.


See attributes(5) for description of the following attri-





| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | Safe |



DNSServiceBrowse(3DNS_SD), DNSServiceRegister(3DNS_SD),

DNSServiceResolve(3DNS_SD), attributes(5)

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DNS Service Discovery Library Functions


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