OpenSSL BIO_ctrl(3openssl)
NNNNAAAAMMMMEEEEBIO_ctrl, BIO_callback_ctrl, BIO_ptr_ctrl, BIO_int_ctrl,
BIO_reset, BIO_seek, BIO_tell, BIO_flush, BIO_eof,
BIO_set_close, BIO_get_close, BIO_pending, BIO_wpending,
BIO_ctrl_pending, BIO_ctrl_wpending, BIO_get_info_callback,
BIO_set_info_callback - BIO control operations
long BIO_ctrl(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,void *parg);
long BIO_callback_ctrl(BIO *b, int cmd, void (*fp)(struct bio_st *, int, const char *, int, long, long));
char * BIO_ptr_ctrl(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg);
long BIO_int_ctrl(BIO *bp,int cmd,long larg,int iarg);
int BIO_reset(BIO *b);
int BIO_seek(BIO *b, int ofs);
int BIO_tell(BIO *b);
int BIO_flush(BIO *b);
int BIO_eof(BIO *b);
int BIO_set_close(BIO *b,long flag);
int BIO_get_close(BIO *b);
int BIO_pending(BIO *b);
int BIO_wpending(BIO *b);
size_t BIO_ctrl_pending(BIO *b);
size_t BIO_ctrl_wpending(BIO *b);
int BIO_get_info_callback(BIO *b,bio_info_cb **cbp);
int BIO_set_info_callback(BIO *b,bio_info_cb *cb);
typedef void bio_info_cb(BIO *b, int oper, const char *ptr, int arg1, long arg2, long arg3);
BIO_int_ctrl() are BIO "control" operations taking arguments
of various types. These functions are not normally called directly, various macros are used instead. The standard macros are described below, macros specific to a particular type of BIO are described in the specific BIOs manual page as well as any special features of the standard calls.BIO_reset() typically resets a BIO to some initial state, in
the case of file related BIOs for example it rewinds the file pointer to the start of the file.BIO_seek() resets a file related BIO's (that is file
descriptor and FILE BIOs) file position pointer to ooooffffssss bytes from start of file.BIO_tell() returns the current file position of a file
related BIO.18/Sep/2000 Last change: 0.9.8o 1
OpenSSL BIO_ctrl(3openssl)
BIO_flush() normally writes out any internally buffered
data, in some cases it is used to signal EOF and that no more data will be written.BIO_eof() returns 1 if the BIO has read EOF, the precise
meaning of "EOF" varies according to the BIO type.BIO_set_close() sets the BIO bbbb close flag to ffffllllaaaagggg. ffffllllaaaagggg can
take the value BIO_CLOSE or BIO_NOCLOSE. Typically BIO_CLOSE
is used in a source/sink BIO to indicate that the underlyingI/O stream should be closed when the BIO is freed.
BIO_get_close() returns the BIOs close flag.
BIO_pending(), BIO_ctrl_pending(), BIO_wpending() and
BIO_ctrl_wpending() return the number of pending characters
in the BIOs read and write buffers. Not all BIOs supportthese calls. BIO_ctrl_pending() and BIO_ctrl_wpending()
return a size_t type and are functions, BIO_pending() and
BIO_wpending() are macros which call BIO_ctrl().
RRRREEEETTTTUUUURRRRNNNN VVVVAAAALLLLUUUUEEEESSSSBIO_reset() normally returns 1 for success and 0 or -1 for
failure. File BIOs are an exception, they return 0 forsuccess and -1 for failure.
BIO_seek() and BIO_tell() both return the current file
position on success and -1 for failure, except file BIOs
which for BIO_seek() always return 0 for success and -1 for
failure.BIO_flush() returns 1 for success and 0 or -1 for failure.
BIO_eof() returns 1 if EOF has been reached 0 otherwise.
BIO_set_close() always returns 1.
BIO_get_close() returns the close flag value: BIO_CLOSE or
BIO_pending(), BIO_ctrl_pending(), BIO_wpending() and
BIO_ctrl_wpending() return the amount of pending data.
NNNNOOOOTTTTEEEESSSSBIO_flush(), because it can write data may return 0 or -1
indicating that the call should be retried later in asimilar manner to BIO_write(). The BIO_should_retry() call
should be used and appropriate action taken is the call fails.The return values of BIO_pending() and BIO_wpending() may
not reliably determine the amount of pending data in all18/Sep/2000 Last change: 0.9.8o 2
OpenSSL BIO_ctrl(3openssl)
cases. For example in the case of a file BIO some data may be available in the FILE structures internal buffers but it is not possible to determine this in a portably way. For other types of BIO they may not be supported. Filter BIOs if they do not internally handle a particularBIO_ctrl() operation usually pass the operation to the next
BIO in the chain. This often means there is no need to locate the required BIO for a particular operation, it can be called on a chain and it will be automatically passed to the relevant BIO. However this can cause unexpected results:for example no current filter BIOs implement BIO_seek(), but
this may still succeed if the chain ends in a FILE or file descriptor BIO. Source/sink BIOs return an 0 if they do not recognize theBIO_ctrl() operation.
BBBBUUUUGGGGSSSS Some of the return values are ambiguous and care should be taken. In particular a return value of 0 can be returned if an operation is not supported, if an error occurred, if EOFhas not been reached and in the case of BIO_seek() on a file
BIO for a successful operation. SSSSEEEEEEEE AAAALLLLSSSSOOOO TBA18/Sep/2000 Last change: 0.9.8o 3