xcbsetinputfocus - Sets input focus SYNOPSIS
Request function xcbvoidcookiet xcbsetinputfocus(xcbconnectiont *conn, uint8t revertto, xcbwindowt focus, xcbtimestampt time); REQUEST ARGUMENTS conn The XCB connection to X11. revertto One of the following values: XCBINPUTFOCUSNONE The focus reverts to XCBNONE, so no window will have the input focus. XCBINPUTFOCUSPOINTERROOT The focus reverts to XCBPOINTERROOT respectively. When the focus reverts, FocusIn and FocusOut events are generated, but the last-focus-change time is not changed. XCBINPUTFOCUSPARENT The focus reverts to the parent (or closest view‐ able ancestor) and the new revertto value is XCBINPUTFOCUSNONE. XCBINPUTFOCUSFOLLOWKEYBOARD NOT YET DOCUMENTED. Only relevant for the xinput extension. Specifies what happens when the focus window becomes unview‐ able (if focus is neither XCBNONE nor XCBPOINTERROOT). focus The window to focus. All keyboard events will be reported to this window. The window must be viewable (TODO), or a xcbmatcherrort occurs (TODO). If focus is XCBNONE (TODO), all keyboard events are discard‐ ed until a new focus window is set. If focus is XCBPOINTERROOT (TODO), focus is on the root window of the screen on which the pointer is on currently. time Timestamp to avoid race conditions when running X over the network. The special value XCBCURRENTTIME will be replaced with the current server time. DESCRIPTION
Changes the input focus and the last-focus-change time. If the speci‐
fied time is earlier than the current last-focus-change time, the re‐ quest is ignored (to avoid race conditions when running X over the net‐ work). A FocusIn and FocusOut event is generated when focus is changed. RETURN VALUE Returns an xcbvoidcookiet. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the event loop. If you want to handle errors directly with xcbrequestcheck instead,
use xcbsetinputfocuschecked. See xcb-requests(3) for details. ERRORS xcbmatcherrort The specified focus window is not viewable. xcbvalueerrort TODO: Reasons? xcbwindowerrort The specified focus window does not exist. SEE ALSO
xcb-requests(3), xcbfocusineventt(3), xcbfocusouteventt(3) AUTHOR Generated from xproto.xml. Contact for cor‐ rections and improvements. X Version 11 libxcb 1.13 xcbsetinputfocus(3)