xcbmapwindow - Makes a window visible SYNOPSIS
Request function xcbvoidcookiet xcbmapwindow(xcbconnectiont *conn, xcbwindowt window); REQUEST ARGUMENTS conn The XCB connection to X11. window The window to make visible. DESCRIPTION Maps the specified window. This means making the window visible (as long as its parent is visible). This MapWindow request will be translated to a MapRequest request if a window manager is running. The window manager then decides to either map the window or not. Set the override-redirect window attribute to true if you want to bypass this mechanism. If the window manager decides to map the window (or if no window manag‐ er is running), a MapNotify event is generated. If the window becomes viewable and no earlier contents for it are re‐ membered, the X server tiles the window with its background. If the window's background is undefined, the existing screen contents are not altered, and the X server generates zero or more Expose events. If the window type is InputOutput, an Expose event will be generated when the window becomes visible. The normal response to an Expose event should be to repaint the window. RETURN VALUE Returns an xcbvoidcookiet. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the event loop. If you want to handle errors directly with xcbrequestcheck instead,
use xcbmapwindowchecked. See xcb-requests(3) for details. ERRORS xcbmatcherrort The specified window does not exist. SEE ALSO
xcb-requests(3), xcbexposeeventt(3), xcbmapnotifyeventt(3), xcbunmapwindow(3) AUTHOR Generated from xproto.xml. Contact for cor‐ rections and improvements. X Version 11 libxcb 1.13 xcbmapwindow(3)