Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man xcb_create_glyph_cursor_checked

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man xcb_create_glyph_cursor_checked

xcbcreateglyphcursor(3) XCB Requests xcbcreateglyphcursor(3)


xcbcreateglyphcursor - create cursor SYNOPSIS

#include Request function xcbvoidcookiet xcbcreateglyphcursor(xcbconnectiont *conn, xcbcursort cid, xcbfontt sourcefont, xcbfontt maskfont, uint16t sourcechar, uint16t maskchar, uint16t forered, uint16t foregreen, uint16t foreblue, uint16t backred, uint16t backgreen, uint16t backblue); REQUEST ARGUMENTS conn The XCB connection to X11. cid The ID with which you will refer to the cursor, created by xcbgenerateid. sourcefont In which font to look for the cursor glyph. maskfont In which font to look for the mask glyph. sourcechar The glyph of sourcefont to use. maskchar The glyph of maskfont to use as a mask: Pixels which are set to 1 define which source pixels are displayed. All pixels which are set to 0 are not displayed. forered The red value of the foreground color. foregreen The green value of the foreground color. foreblue The blue value of the foreground color. backred The red value of the background color. backgreen The green value of the background color. backblue The blue value of the background color. DESCRIPTION Creates a cursor from a font glyph. X provides a set of standard cursor shapes in a special font named cursor. Applications are encouraged to use this interface for their cursors because the font can be customized for the individual display type. All pixels which are set to 1 in the source will use the foreground color (as specified by forered, foregreen and foreblue). All pixels set to 0 will use the background color (as specified by backred, backgreen and backblue). RETURN VALUE Returns an xcbvoidcookiet. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the event loop. If you want to handle errors directly with xcbrequestcheck instead,

use xcbcreateglyphcursorchecked. See xcb-requests(3) for details. ERRORS xcballocerrort The X server could not allocate the requested resources (no memory?). xcbfonterrort The specified sourcefont or maskfont does not exist. xcbvalueerrort Either sourcechar or maskchar are not defined in sourcefont or maskfont, respectively. SEE ALSO

xcb-requests(3) AUTHOR Generated from xproto.xml. Contact for cor‐ rections and improvements. X Version 11 libxcb 1.13 xcbcreateglyphcursor(3)

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