xcbcopyarea - copy areas SYNOPSIS
Request function xcbvoidcookiet xcbcopyarea(xcbconnectiont *conn, xcbdrawablet srcdrawable, xcbdrawablet dstdrawable, xcbgcontextt gc, int16t srcx, int16t srcy, int16t dstx, int16t dsty, uint16t width, uint16t height); REQUEST ARGUMENTS conn The XCB connection to X11. srcdrawable The source drawable (Window or Pixmap). dstdrawable The destination drawable (Window or Pixmap). gc The graphics context to use. srcx The source X coordinate. srcy The source Y coordinate. dstx The destination X coordinate. dsty The destination Y coordinate. width The width of the area to copy (in pixels). height The height of the area to copy (in pixels). DESCRIPTION Copies the specified rectangle from srcdrawable to dstdrawable. RETURN VALUE Returns an xcbvoidcookiet. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the event loop. If you want to handle errors directly with xcbrequestcheck instead, use xcbcopyareachecked. See xcb-requests(3) for details. ERRORS xcbdrawableerrort The specified drawable (Window or Pixmap) does not exist. xcbgcontexterrort The specified graphics context does not exist. xcbmatcherrort srcdrawable has a different root or depth than dstdrawable. SEE ALSO
xcb-requests(3) AUTHOR Generated from xproto.xml. Contact for cor‐ rections and improvements. X Version 11 libxcb 1.13 xcbcopyarea(3)