Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man xcb_configure_window_checked

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man xcb_configure_window_checked

xcbconfigurewindow(3) XCB Requests xcbconfigurewindow(3)


xcbconfigurewindow - Configures window attributes SYNOPSIS

#include Request function xcbvoidcookiet xcbconfigurewindow(xcbconnectiont *conn, xcbwindowt window, uint16t valuemask, const void *valuelist); REQUEST ARGUMENTS conn The XCB connection to X11. window The window to configure. valuemask Bitmask of attributes to change. valuelist New values, corresponding to the attributes in valuemask. The order has to correspond to the order of possible val‐ uemask bits. See the example. DESCRIPTION Configures a window's size, position, border width and stacking order. RETURN VALUE Returns an xcbvoidcookiet. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the event loop. If you want to handle errors directly with xcbrequestcheck instead,

use xcbconfigurewindowchecked. See xcb-requests(3) for details. ERRORS xcbmatcherrort You specified a Sibling without also specifying StackMode or the window is not actually a Sibling. xcbvalueerrort TODO: reasons? xcbwindowerrort The specified window does not exist. TODO: any other reason? EXAMPLE /* * Configures the given window to the left upper corner * with a size of 1024x768 pixels. * */ void myexample(xcbconnectiont *c, xcbwindowt window) { uint16t mask = 0; mask |= XCBCONFIGWINDOWX; mask |= XCBCONFIGWINDOWY; mask |= XCBCONFIGWINDOWWIDTH; mask |= XCBCONFIGWINDOWHEIGHT; const uint32t values[] = { 0, /* x */ 0, /* y */ 1024, /* width */ 768 /* height */ }; xcbconfigurewindow(c, window, mask, values); xcbflush(c); } SEE ALSO

xcb-requests(3), xcb-examples(3), xcbexposeeventt(3), xcbmapnoti‐ fyeventt(3) AUTHOR Generated from xproto.xml. Contact for cor‐ rections and improvements. X Version 11 libxcb 1.13 xcbconfigurewindow(3)

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