wlresource - SYNOPSIS
Public Member Functions const char * wlresourcegetclass (struct wlresource *resource) struct wlresource * wlresourcecreate (struct wlclient *client, const struct wlinterface *interface, int version, uint32t id) Data Fields struct wlobject object wlresourcedestroyfunct destroy struct wllist link struct wlsignal deprecateddestroysignal struct wlclient * client void * data int version wldispatcherfunct dispatcher struct wlprivsignal destroysignal struct wlsignal destroysignal Member Function Documentation struct wlresource * wlresourcecreate (struct wlclient *client, const struct wlinterface *interface, intversion, uint32tid) Create a new resource object Parameters: client The client owner of the new resource. interface The interface of the new resource. version The version of the new resource. id The id of the new resource. If 0, an available id will be used. Listeners added with wlclientaddresourcecreatedlistener will be notified at the end of this function. const char * wlresourcegetclass (struct wlresource *resource) Retrieve the interface name (class) of a resource object. Parameters: resource The resource object Field Documentation struct wlclient * wlresource::client void * wlresource::data struct wlsignal wlresource::deprecateddestroysignal wlresourcedestroyfunct wlresource::destroy struct wlsignal wlresource::destroysignal struct wlprivsignal wlresource::destroysignal wldispatcherfunct wlresource::dispatcher struct wllist wlresource::link struct wlobject wlresource::object int wlresource::version Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for Wayland from the source code. Version 1.15.0 Tue Oct 30 2018 wlresource(3)