Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man virkeycode-atset1

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man virkeycode-atset1

VIRKEYCODE-ATSET1(7) Virtualization Support VIRKEYCODE-ATSET1(7)

Key code values for atset1 List of atset1 key code values, with corresponding linux key code names 1 (0x1) Key name KEYESC 2 (0x2) Key name KEY1 3 (0x3) Key name KEY2 4 (0x4) Key name KEY3 5 (0x5) Key name KEY4 6 (0x6) Key name KEY5 7 (0x7) Key name KEY6 8 (0x8) Key name KEY7 9 (0x9) Key name KEY8 10 (0xa) Key name KEY9 11 (0xb) Key name KEY0 12 (0xc) Key name KEYMINUS 13 (0xd) Key name KEYEQUAL 14 (0xe) Key name KEYBACKSPACE 15 (0xf) Key name KEYTAB 16 (0x10) Key name KEYQ 17 (0x11) Key name KEYW 18 (0x12) Key name KEYE 19 (0x13) Key name KEYR 20 (0x14) Key name KEYT 21 (0x15) Key name KEYY 22 (0x16) Key name KEYU 23 (0x17) Key name KEYI 24 (0x18) Key name KEYO 25 (0x19) Key name KEYP 26 (0x1a) Key name KEYLEFTBRACE 27 (0x1b) Key name KEYRIGHTBRACE 28 (0x1c) Key name KEYENTER 29 (0x1d) Key name KEYLEFTCTRL 30 (0x1e) Key name KEYA 31 (0x1f) Key name KEYS 32 (0x20) Key name KEYD 33 (0x21) Key name KEYF 34 (0x22) Key name KEYG 35 (0x23) Key name KEYH 36 (0x24) Key name KEYJ 37 (0x25) Key name KEYK 38 (0x26) Key name KEYL 39 (0x27) Key name KEYSEMICOLON 40 (0x28) Key name KEYAPOSTROPHE 41 (0x29) Key name KEYGRAVE 42 (0x2a) Key name KEYLEFTSHIFT 43 (0x2b) Key name KEYBACKSLASH 44 (0x2c) Key name KEYZ 45 (0x2d) Key name KEYX 46 (0x2e) Key name KEYC 47 (0x2f) Key name KEYV 48 (0x30) Key name KEYB 49 (0x31) Key name KEYN 50 (0x32) Key name KEYM 51 (0x33) Key name KEYCOMMA 52 (0x34) Key name KEYDOT 53 (0x35) Key name KEYSLASH 54 (0x36) Key name KEYRIGHTSHIFT 55 (0x37) Key name KEYKPASTERISK 56 (0x38) Key name KEYLEFTALT 57 (0x39) Key name KEYSPACE 58 (0x3a) Key name KEYCAPSLOCK 59 (0x3b) Key name KEYF1 60 (0x3c) Key name KEYF2 61 (0x3d) Key name KEYF3 62 (0x3e) Key name KEYF4 63 (0x3f) Key name KEYF5 64 (0x40) Key name KEYF6 65 (0x41) Key name KEYF7 66 (0x42) Key name KEYF8 67 (0x43) Key name KEYF9 68 (0x44) Key name KEYF10 69 (0x45) Key name KEYNUMLOCK 70 (0x46) Key name KEYSCROLLLOCK 71 (0x47) Key name KEYKP7 72 (0x48) Key name KEYKP8 73 (0x49) Key name KEYKP9 74 (0x4a) Key name KEYKPMINUS 75 (0x4b) Key name KEYKP4 76 (0x4c) Key name KEYKP5 77 (0x4d) Key name KEYKP6 78 (0x4e) Key name KEYKPPLUS 79 (0x4f) Key name KEYKP1 80 (0x50) Key name KEYKP2 81 (0x51) Key name KEYKP3 82 (0x52) Key name KEYKP0 83 (0x53) Key name KEYKPDOT 84 (0x54) Key name KEYSYSRQ 85 (0x55) Key name KEYF16 86 (0x56) Key name KEY102ND 87 (0x57) Key name KEYF11 88 (0x58) Key name KEYF12 89 (0x59) Key name KEYKPEQUAL 90 (0x5a) Key name KEYF20 91 (0x5b) Key name KEYLINEFEED 92 (0x5c) Key name KEYKPJPCOMMA 93 (0x5d) Key name KEYF13 94 (0x5e) Key name KEYF14 95 (0x5f) Key name KEYF15 99 (0x63) Key name KEYPHONE 100 (0x64) Key name KEYOPEN 101 (0x65) Key name KEYPASTE 102 (0x66) Key name KEYSETUP 103 (0x67) Key name KEYFILE 104 (0x68) Key name KEYSENDFILE 105 (0x69) Key name KEYDELETEFILE 106 (0x6a) Key name KEYMSDOS 107 (0x6b) Key name KEYDIRECTION 108 (0x6c) Key name KEYEJECTCD 109 (0x6d) Key name KEYF23 111 (0x6f) Key name KEYF24 112 (0x70) Key name KEYKATAKANAHIRAGANA 113 (0x71) Key name KEYEXIT 114 (0x72) Key name KEYMOVE 115 (0x73) Key name KEYRO 116 (0x74) Key name KEYF21 117 (0x75) Key name KEYSCROLLUP 118 (0x76) Key name KEYZENKAKUHANKAKU 119 (0x77) Key name KEYHIRAGANA 120 (0x78) Key name KEYKATAKANA 121 (0x79) Key name KEYHENKAN 123 (0x7b) Key name KEYMUHENKAN 125 (0x7d) Key name KEYYEN 126 (0x7e) Key name KEYKPCOMMA 57345 (0xe001) Key name KEYCONFIG 57346 (0xe002) Key name KEYWWW 57347 (0xe003) Key name KEYF17 57348 (0xe004) Key name KEYF19 57349 (0xe005) Key name KEYAGAIN 57350 (0xe006) Key name KEYPROPS 57351 (0xe007) Key name KEYUNDO 57352 (0xe008) Key name KEYEDIT 57353 (0xe009) Key name KEYNEW 57354 (0xe00a) Key name KEYREDO 57355 (0xe00b) Key name KEYSCALE 57356 (0xe00c) Key name KEYFRONT 57357 (0xe00d) Key name KEYHANJA 57358 (0xe00e) Key name KEYFORWARDMAIL 57359 (0xe00f) Key name KEYSCROLLDOWN 57360 (0xe010) Key name KEYPREVIOUSSONG 57362 (0xe012) Key name KEYSCREENLOCK 57363 (0xe013) Key name KEYXFER 57364 (0xe014) Key name KEYALTERASE 57365 (0xe015) Key name unnamed 57366 (0xe016) Key name unnamed 57367 (0xe017) Key name KEYPROG2 57368 (0xe018) Key name KEYREWIND 57369 (0xe019) Key name KEYNEXTSONG 57370 (0xe01a) Key name unnamed 57371 (0xe01b) Key name unnamed 57372 (0xe01c) Key name KEYKPENTER 57373 (0xe01d) Key name KEYRIGHTCTRL 57374 (0xe01e) Key name KEYMENU 57375 (0xe01f) Key name KEYPROG1 57376 (0xe020) Key name KEYMUTE 57377 (0xe021) Key name KEYCALC 57378 (0xe022) Key name KEYPLAYPAUSE 57379 (0xe023) Key name KEYCLOSECD 57380 (0xe024) Key name KEYSTOPCD 57381 (0xe025) Key name KEYSUSPEND 57382 (0xe026) Key name KEYCYCLEWINDOWS 57383 (0xe027) Key name unnamed 57384 (0xe028) Key name KEYPLAYCD 57385 (0xe029) Key name KEYPAUSECD 57387 (0xe02b) Key name KEYPROG3 57388 (0xe02c) Key name KEYPROG4 57389 (0xe02d) Key name KEYDASHBOARD 57390 (0xe02e) Key name KEYVOLUMEDOWN 57391 (0xe02f) Key name KEYCLOSE 57392 (0xe030) Key name KEYVOLUMEUP 57393 (0xe031) Key name KEYRECORD 57394 (0xe032) Key name KEYHOMEPAGE 57395 (0xe033) Key name KEYPLAY 57396 (0xe034) Key name KEYFASTFORWARD 57397 (0xe035) Key name KEYKPSLASH 57398 (0xe036) Key name KEYBASSBOOST 57400 (0xe038) Key name KEYRIGHTALT 57401 (0xe039) Key name KEYPRINT 57402 (0xe03a) Key name KEYHP 57403 (0xe03b) Key name KEYCAMERA 57404 (0xe03c) Key name KEYCUT 57405 (0xe03d) Key name KEYSOUND 57406 (0xe03e) Key name KEYQUESTION 57407 (0xe03f) Key name KEYEMAIL 57408 (0xe040) Key name KEYCHAT 57409 (0xe041) Key name KEYFIND 57410 (0xe042) Key name KEYCONNECT 57411 (0xe043) Key name KEYFINANCE 57412 (0xe044) Key name KEYSPORT 57413 (0xe045) Key name KEYSHOP 57414 (0xe046) Key name KEYPAUSE 57415 (0xe047) Key name KEYHOME 57416 (0xe048) Key name KEYUP 57417 (0xe049) Key name KEYPAGEUP 57418 (0xe04a) Key name KEYCANCEL 57419 (0xe04b) Key name KEYLEFT 57420 (0xe04c) Key name KEYBRIGHTNESSDOWN 57421 (0xe04d) Key name KEYRIGHT 57422 (0xe04e) Key name KEYKPPLUSMINUS 57423 (0xe04f) Key name KEYEND 57424 (0xe050) Key name KEYDOWN 57425 (0xe051) Key name KEYPAGEDOWN 57426 (0xe052) Key name KEYINSERT 57427 (0xe053) Key name KEYDELETE 57428 (0xe054) Key name KEYBRIGHTNESSUP 57429 (0xe055) Key name KEYSAVE 57430 (0xe056) Key name KEYSWITCHVIDEOMODE 57431 (0xe057) Key name KEYKBDILLUMTOGGLE 57432 (0xe058) Key name KEYKBDILLUMDOWN 57433 (0xe059) Key name KEYKBDILLUMUP 57434 (0xe05a) Key name KEYSEND 57435 (0xe05b) Key name KEYLEFTMETA 57436 (0xe05c) Key name KEYRIGHTMETA 57437 (0xe05d) Key name KEYCOMPOSE 57438 (0xe05e) Key name KEYPOWER 57439 (0xe05f) Key name KEYSLEEP 57443 (0xe063) Key name KEYWAKEUP 57444 (0xe064) Key name KEYREPLY 57445 (0xe065) Key name KEYSEARCH 57446 (0xe066) Key name KEYBOOKMARKS 57447 (0xe067) Key name KEYREFRESH 57448 (0xe068) Key name KEYSTOP 57449 (0xe069) Key name KEYFORWARD 57450 (0xe06a) Key name KEYBACK 57451 (0xe06b) Key name KEYCOMPUTER 57452 (0xe06c) Key name KEYMAIL 57453 (0xe06d) Key name KEYMEDIA 57455 (0xe06f) Key name KEYMACRO 57456 (0xe070) Key name KEYDOCUMENTS 57457 (0xe071) Key name KEYBATTERY 57458 (0xe072) Key name KEYBLUETOOTH 57459 (0xe073) Key name KEYWLAN 57460 (0xe074) Key name KEYUWB 57461 (0xe075) Key name KEYHELP 57462 (0xe076) Key name KEYKPLEFTPAREN 57463 (0xe077) Key name KEYF18 57464 (0xe078) Key name KEYCOPY 57465 (0xe079) Key name KEYF22 57467 (0xe07b) Key name KEYKPRIGHTPAREN 57469 (0xe07d) Key name KEYEJECTCLOSECD

libvirt-4.5.0 2018-10-31 VIRKEYCODE-ATSET1(7)

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