Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man tapset::task

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man tapset::task



tapset::task - systemtap task tapset DESCRIPTION taskcurrent The current taskstruct of the current task See function::taskcurrent(3stap) for details. taskparent The taskstruct of the parent task See function::taskparent(3stap) for details. taskstate The state of the task See function::taskstate(3stap) for details. taskexecname The name of the task See function::taskexecname(3stap) for details. taskpid The process identifier of the task See function::taskpid(3stap) for details. tasknspid The process identifier of the task See function::tasknspid(3stap) for details. pid2task The taskstruct of the given process identifier See function::pid2task(3stap) for details. pid2execname The name of the given process identifier See function::pid2execname(3stap) for details. tasktid The thread identifier of the task See function::tasktid(3stap) for details. tasknstid The thread identifier of the task as seen in a namespace See function::tasknstid(3stap) for details. taskgid The group identifier of the task See function::taskgid(3stap) for details. tasknsgid The group identifier of the task as seen in a namespace See function::tasknsgid(3stap) for details. taskegid The effective group identifier of the task See function::taskegid(3stap) for details. tasknsegid The effective group identifier of the task See function::tasknsegid(3stap) for details. taskuid The user identifier of the task See function::taskuid(3stap) for details. tasknsuid The user identifier of the task See function::tasknsuid(3stap) for details. taskeuid The effective user identifier of the task See function::taskeuid(3stap) for details. tasknseuid The effective user identifier of the task See function::tasknseuid(3stap) for details. taskprio The priority value of the task See function::taskprio(3stap) for details. tasknice The nice value of the task See function::tasknice(3stap) for details. taskcpu The scheduled cpu of the task See function::taskcpu(3stap) for details. taskopenfilehandles The number of open files of the task See function::taskopenfilehandles(3stap) for details. taskmaxfilehandles The max number of open files for the task See function::taskmaxfilehandles(3stap) for details. SEE ALSO function::taskcurrent(3stap), function::taskparent(3stap), function::taskstate(3stap), function::taskexecname(3stap), function::taskpid(3stap), function::tasknspid(3stap), function::pid2task(3stap), function::pid2execname(3stap), function::tasktid(3stap), function::tasknstid(3stap), function::taskgid(3stap), function::tasknsgid(3stap), function::taskegid(3stap), function::tasknsegid(3stap), function::taskuid(3stap), function::tasknsuid(3stap), function::taskeuid(3stap), function::tasknseuid(3stap), function::taskprio(3stap), function::tasknice(3stap), function::taskcpu(3stap), function::taskopenfilehandles(3stap), function::taskmaxfilehandles(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap) SystemTap Tapset Reference June 2018 TAPSET::TASK(3stap)

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