Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man tapset::conversions

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man tapset::conversions



tapset::conversions - systemtap conversions tapset DESCRIPTION kernelstring Retrieves string from kernel memory See function::kernelstring(3stap) for details. kernelstring Retrieves string from kernel memory with alternative error string See function::kernelstring(3stap) for details. kernelstringquoted Retrieves and quotes string from kernel memory See function::kernelstringquoted(3stap) for details. kernelstringn Retrieves string of given length from kernel memory See function::kernelstringn(3stap) for details. kernelstringutf32

Retrieves UTF-32 string from kernel memory See function::kernelstringutf32(3stap) for details. kernelstringutf32

Retrieves UTF-32 string from kernel memory with alterna‐ tive error string See function::kernelstringutf32(3stap) for details. kernelstringquotedutf32

Quote given UTF-32 kernel string. See function::kernelstringquotedutf32(3stap) for details. kernelstringutf16

Retrieves UTF-16 string from kernel memory See function::kernelstringutf16(3stap) for details. kernelstringutf16

Retrieves UTF-16 string from kernel memory with alterna‐ tive error string See function::kernelstringutf16(3stap) for details. kernelstringquotedutf16

Quote given kernel UTF-16 string. See function::kernelstringquotedutf16(3stap) for details. kernellong Retrieves a long value stored in kernel memory See function::kernellong(3stap) for details. kernelint Retrieves an int value stored in kernel memory See function::kernelint(3stap) for details. kernelshort Retrieves a short value stored in kernel memory See function::kernelshort(3stap) for details. kernelchar Retrieves a char value stored in kernel memory See function::kernelchar(3stap) for details. kernelpointer Retrieves a pointer value stored in kernel memory See function::kernelpointer(3stap) for details. kernelbufferquoted Retrieves and quotes buffer from kernel space See function::kernelbufferquoted(3stap) for details. kernelbufferquoted Retrieves and quotes buffer from kernel space See function::kernelbufferquoted(3stap) for details. kernelbufferquotederror Retrieves and quotes buffer from kernel space See function::kernelbufferquotederror(3stap) for details. SEE ALSO function::kernelstring(3stap), function::kernelstringquoted(3stap), function::kernelstringn(3stap), function::kernelstringutf32(3stap), function::kernelstringquotedutf32(3stap), function::kernelstringutf16(3stap), function::kernelstringquotedutf16(3stap), function::kernellong(3stap), function::kernelint(3stap), function::kernelshort(3stap), function::kernelchar(3stap), function::kernelpointer(3stap), function::kernelbufferquoted(3stap), function::kernelbufferquotederror(3stap), stap(1), stapprobes(3stap) SystemTap Tapset Reference June 2018 TAPSET::CONVERSIONS(3stap)

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