Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man repo-rss

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man repo-rss

repo-rss(1) repo-rss(1)


repo-rss - generates an RSS feed from one or more Yum repositories SYNOPSIS

repo-rss [options] repoid1 [repoid2...] DESCRIPTION

repo-rss is a program for generating RSS feeds for one or more Yum repositories. GENERAL OPTIONS

-h, help Help; display a help message and then quit.

-f Specify the file to which the RSS will be written. Default is


-l Specify the URL to the RSS feed. Default is

-t </P4> Specify the title for the RSS feed. Default is "RSS Repository <P> - Recent Packages". </P4> <P> -d <description> </P4> Specify the description of the RSS feed. Default is "Most recent packages in Repositories". <P> -r <days> </P4> Specify the number of days to consider most recent. Default is 3. tempcache Enable the use of a temporary directory for the yum cache. This <P> is enabled by default for non-root users. </P4> EXAMPLES <P> Generate an RSS for the updates-released repository and save it as </P4><P> updates-release.xml: </P4><P> repo-rss -f updates-released.xml updates-released </P4> FILES <P> As repo-rss uses YUM libraries for retrieving all the information, it </P4> relies on YUM configuration for its default values like which reposito‐ ries to use. Consult YUM documentation for details: /etc/yum.conf /etc/yum/repos.d/ /var/cache/yum/ SEE ALSO yum.conf (5) AUTHORS See the Authors file included with this program. BUGS There are of course no bugs, but should you find any, you should first consult the FAQ section on and if <P> unsuccessful in finding a resolution contact the mailing list: yum- </P4> To file a bug use for Fedora/RHEL/Centos related bugs and for all other bugs. <P>Seth Vidal 2005 repo-rss(1) </P4></P></pre></div><br></div><br><BR> <center> <a target="_top" href=""> <font size=-1 color=WHITE><B>Contact us<B></font></a>      <font size=-1 color=WHITE>|</font>      <a target="_top" href=""> <B><font size=-1 color=WHITE>About us</font></B></a>      <font size=-1 color=WHITE>|</font>      <a target="_top" href=""><font size=-1 color=WHITE>Term of use</font></a>      <font size=-1 color=WHITE>| </font>     <font size=-1 color=WHITE> <b>Copyright © 2000-2019 ™</b></font> </center> </body> </html>