Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man qmicli

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man qmicli

QMICLI(1) User Commands QMICLI(1)


qmicli - Control QMI devices DESCRIPTION Usage:

lt-qmicli [OPTION...] - Control QMI devices Help Options:

-h, help Show help options

help-all Show all help options

help-dms Show Device Management Service options

help-nas Show Network Access Service options

help-wds Show Wireless Data Service options

help-pbm Show Phonebook Management options

help-pdc Show platform device configurations options

help-uim Show User Identity Module options

help-wms Show Wireless Messaging Service options

help-wda Show Wireless Data Administrative options

help-voice Show Voice Service options DMS options

dms-get-ids Get IDs

dms-get-capabilities Get capabilities

dms-get-manufacturer Get manufacturer

dms-get-model Get model

dms-get-revision Get revision

dms-get-msisdn Get MSISDN

dms-get-power-state Get power state

dms-uim-set-pin-protection=[(PIN|PIN2),(disable|enable),(current PIN)] Set PIN protection in the UIM

dms-uim-verify-pin=[(PIN|PIN2),(current PIN)] Verify PIN

dms-uim-unblock-pin=[(PIN|PIN2),(PUK),(new PIN)] Unblock PIN

dms-uim-change-pin=[(PIN|PIN2),(old PIN),(new PIN)] Change PIN

dms-uim-get-pin-status Get PIN status

dms-uim-get-iccid Get ICCID

dms-uim-get-imsi Get IMSI

dms-uim-get-state Get UIM State

dms-uim-get-ck-status=[(pn|pu|pp|pc|pf)] Get CK Status

dms-uim-set-ck-protection=[(pn|pu|pp|pc|pf),(disable),(key)] Disable CK protection

dms-uim-unblock-ck=[(pn|pu|pp|pc|pf),(key)] Unblock CK

dms-get-hardware-revision Get the HW revision

dms-get-operating-mode Get the device operating mode

dms-set-operating-mode=[(Operating mode)] Set the device operating mode

dms-get-time Get the device time

dms-get-prl-version Get the PRL version

dms-get-activation-state Get the state of the service activation

dms-activate-automatic=[Activation Code] Request automatic service activation

dms-activate-manual=[SPC,SID,MDN,MIN] Request manual service activation

dms-get-user-lock-state Get the state of the user lock

dms-set-user-lock-state=[(disable|enable),(current lock code)] Set the state of the user lock

dms-set-user-lock-code=[(old lock code),(new lock code)] Change the user lock code

dms-read-user-data Read user data

dms-write-user-data=[(User data)] Write user data

dms-read-eri-file Read ERI file

dms-restore-factory-defaults=[(Service Programming Code)] Restore factory defaults

dms-validate-service-programming-code=[(Service Programming Code)] Validate the Service Programming Code

dms-set-firmware-id Set firmware id

dms-get-band-capabilities Get band capabilities

dms-get-factory-sku Get factory stock keeping unit

dms-list-stored-images List stored images

dms-select-stored-image=[modem#,pri#] where # is the index Select stored image

dms-delete-stored-image=[modem#|pri#] where # is the index Delete stored image

dms-get-firmware-preference Get firmware preference

dms-set-firmware-preference=[(fwver),(config),(carrier)] Set firmware preference

dms-get-boot-image-download-mode Get boot image download mode

dms-set-boot-image-download-mode=[normal|boot-and-recovery] Set boot image download mode

dms-get-software-version Get software version

dms-set-fcc-authentication Set FCC authentication

dms-get-supported-messages Get supported messages

dms-hp-change-device-mode=[fastboot] Change device mode (HP specific)

dms-swi-get-current-firmware Get Current Firmware (Sierra Wireless specific)

dms-reset Reset the service state

dms-noop Just allocate or release a DMS client. Use with

`client-no-release-cid' and/or `client-cid' NAS options

nas-get-signal-strength Get signal strength

nas-get-signal-info Get signal info

nas-get-tx-rx-info=[(Radio Interface)] Get TX/RX info

nas-get-home-network Get home network

nas-get-serving-system Get serving system

nas-get-system-info Get system info

nas-get-technology-preference Get technology preference

nas-get-system-selection-preference Get system selection preference


ence=[cdma-1x|cdma-1xevdo|gsm|umts|lte|td-scdma] Set system selection preference

nas-network-scan Scan networks

nas-get-cell-location-info Get Cell Location Info

nas-force-network-search Force network search

nas-get-operator-name Get operator name data

nas-get-lte-cphy-ca-info Get LTE Cphy CA Info

nas-get-rf-band-info Get RF Band Info

nas-get-supported-messages Get supported messages

nas-reset Reset the service state

nas-noop Just allocate or release a NAS client. Use with

`client-no-release-cid' and/or `client-cid' WDS options


Start network (allowed keys: apn, 3gpp-profile, 3gpp2-profile, auth (PAP|CHAP|BOTH), username, password, autoconnect=yes,

ip-type (4|6))

wds-follow-network Follow the network status until disconnected. Use with


wds-stop-network=[Packet data handle] OR [disable-autoconnect] Stop network

wds-get-current-settings Get current settings

wds-get-packet-service-status Get packet service status

wds-get-packet-statistics Get packet statistics

wds-get-data-bearer-technology Get data bearer technology

wds-get-current-data-bearer-technology Get current data bearer technology

wds-go-dormant Make the active data connection go dormant

wds-go-active Make the active data connection go active

wds-get-dormancy-status Get the dormancy status of the active data connection

wds-get-profile-list=[3gpp|3gpp2] Get profile list

wds-get-default-settings=[3gpp|3gpp2] Get default settings

wds-get-autoconnect-settings Get autoconnect settings


ing-allowed|home-only)]] Set autoconnect settings (roaming settings optional)

wds-get-supported-messages Get supported messages

wds-reset Reset the service state


Bind qmux data port to controller device (allowed keys: mux-id,

ep-iface-number) to be used with `client-no-release-cid'

wds-noop Just allocate or release a WDS client. Use with

`client-no-release-cid' and/or `client-cid' PBM options

pbm-get-all-capabilities Get all phonebook capabilities

pbm-noop Just allocate or release a PBM client. Use with

`client-no-release-cid' and/or `client-cid' PDC options

pdc-list-configs=[(platform|software)] List all configs

pdc-delete-config=[(platform|software),ConfigId] Delete config

pdc-activate-config=[(platform|software),ConfigId] Activate config

pdc-deactivate-config=[(platform|software),ConfigId] Deactivate config

pdc-load-config=[Path to config] Load config to device

pdc-noop Just allocate or release a PDC client. Use with

`client-no-release-cid' and/or `client-cid' UIM options

uim-set-pin-protection=[(PIN1|PIN2|UPIN),(disable|enable),(current PIN)] Set PIN protection

uim-verify-pin=[(PIN1|PIN2|UPIN),(current PIN)] Verify PIN

uim-unblock-pin=[(PIN1|PIN2|UPIN),(PUK),(new PIN)] Unblock PIN

uim-change-pin=[(PIN1|PIN2|UPIN),(old PIN),(new PIN)] Change PIN

uim-read-transparent=[0xNNNN,0xNNNN,...] Read a transparent file given the file path

uim-get-file-attributes=[0xNNNN,0xNNNN,...] Get the attributes of a given file

uim-get-card-status Get card status

uim-get-supported-messages Get supported messages

uim-sim-power-on=[(slot number)] Power on SIM card

uim-sim-power-off=[(slot number)] Power off SIM card

uim-reset Reset the service state

uim-noop Just allocate or release a UIM client. Use with

`client-no-release-cid' and/or `client-cid' WMS options

wms-get-supported-messages Get supported messages

wms-reset Reset the service state

wms-noop Just allocate or release a WMS client. Use with

`client-no-release-cid' and/or `client-cid' WDA options


Set data format (allowed keys: link-layer-protocol

(802-3|raw-ip), ul-protocol (tlp|qc-ncm|mbim|rndis|qmap),

dl-protocol (tlp|qc-ncm|mbim|rndis|qmap), dl-datagrams-max-size,

dl-max-datagrams, ep-type (undefined|hsusb), ep-iface-number)

wda-get-data-format Get data format

wda-get-supported-messages Get supported messages

wda-noop Just allocate or release a WDA client. Use with

`client-no-release-cid' and/or `client-cid' VOICE options

voice-get-config Get Voice service configuration

voice-get-supported-messages Get supported messages

voice-noop Just allocate or release a VOICE client. Use with

`client-no-release-cid' and/or `client-cid' Application Options:

-d, device=[PATH] Specify device path

-w, get-wwan-iface Get the WWAN iface name associated with this control port

-e, get-expected-data-format Get the expected data format in the WWAN iface

-E, set-expected-data-format=[802-3|raw-ip] Set the expected data format in the WWAN iface

get-service-version-info Get service version info

device-set-instance-id=[Instance ID] Set instance ID

device-open-version-info Run version info check when opening device

device-open-sync Run sync operation when opening device

-p, device-open-proxy

Request to use the 'qmi-proxy' proxy


Open a cdc-wdm device explicitly in QMI mode


Open a cdc-wdm device explicitly in MBIM mode


Open a cdc-wdm device in either QMI or MBIM mode (default)

device-open-net=[net-802-3|net-raw-ip|net-qos-header|net-no-qos-header] Open device with specific link protocol and QoS flags

client-cid=[CID] Use the given CID, don't allocate a new one

client-no-release-cid Do not release the CID when exiting

-v, verbose Run action with verbose logs, including the debug ones silent Run action with no logs; not even the error/warning ones

-V, version Print version

qmicli 1.18.0 Copyright © 2012-2017 Aleksander Morgado License GPLv2+:

GNU GPL version 2 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SEE ALSO The full documentation for qmicli is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and qmicli programs are properly installed at your site, the command info qmicli should give you access to the complete manual. qmicli March 2017 QMICLI(1)

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