Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man ndctl-list

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man ndctl-list

NDCTL-LIST(1) ndctl Manual NDCTL-LIST(1)


ndctl-list - dump the platform nvdimm device topology and attributes in json SYNOPSIS ndctl list [] Walk all the nvdimm buses in the system and list all attached devices along with some of their major attributes. Options can be specified to limit the output to devices of a certain class. Where the classes are buses, dimms, regions, and namespaces. By default, ndctl list with no options is equivalent to: ndctl list namespaces bus=all region=all EXAMPLE .ft C

# ndctl list buses namespaces { "provider":"nfittest.1", "dev":"ndbus2", "namespaces":[ { "dev":"namespace9.0", "mode":"raw", "size":33554432, "blockdev":"pmem9" } ] } { "provider":"nfittest.0", "dev":"ndbus1" } { "provider":"e820", "dev":"ndbus0", "namespaces":[ { "dev":"namespace0.0", "mode":"fsdax", "size":8589934592, "blockdev":"pmem0" } ] } .ft OPTIONS

-r, region= A 'regionX' device name, or a region id number. The keyword 'all' can be specified to carry out the operation on every region in the system, optionally filtered by bus id (see bus= option).

-b, bus= Enforce that the operation only be carried on devices that are attached to the given bus. Where bus can be a provider name or a bus id number.

-d, dimm= An nmemX device name, or dimm id number. The dimm id number here is X in nmemX. Filter listing by devices that reference the given dimm. For example to see all namespaces comprised of storage capacity on nmem0: .ft C

# ndctl list dimm=nmem0 namespaces .ft

-n, namespace= An namespaceX.Y device name, or namespace region plus id tuple X.Y. Limit the namespace list to the single identified device if present.

-t, type= Filter listing by region type (pmem or blk)

-m, mode= Filter listing by the mode (raw, fsdax, sector or devdax) of the namespace(s).

-U, numa-node= Filter listing by numa node

-B, buses Include bus info in the listing

-D, dimms Include dimm info in the listing

-H, health Include dimm health info in the listing. For example: { "dev":"nmem0", "health":{

"healthstate":"non-critical", "temperaturecelsius":23, "sparespercentage":75, "alarmtemperature":true, "alarmspares":true, "temperaturethreshold":40, "sparesthreshold":5, "lifeusedpercentage":5, "shutdownstate":"clean" } }

-F, firmware Include dimm firmware info in the listing. For example: { "dev":"nmem0", "firmware":{ "currentversion":0, "nextversion":1, "needpowercycle":true } }

-X, device-dax

Include device-dax ("daxregion") details when a namespace is in "devdax" mode. { "dev":"namespace0.0", "mode":"devdax", "size":4225761280,

"uuid":"18ae1bbb-bb62-4efc-86df-4a5caacb5dcc", "daxregion":{ "id":0, "size":4225761280, "align":2097152, "devices":[ { "chardev":"dax0.0", "size":4225761280 } ] } }

-R, regions Include region info in the listing

-N, namespaces Include namespace info in the listing. Namespace info is listed by default if no other options are specified to the command.

-i, idle Include idle (not enabled) devices in the listing

-M, media-errors Include media errors (badblocks) in the listing. Note that the badblockcount property is included in the listing by default when

the count is non-zero, otherwise it is hidden. Also, if the namespace is in sector mode the badblocks listing is not included and badblockcount property may include blocks that are located in metadata, or unused capacity in the namespace. Convert a sector namespace into raw mode to list precise badblocks offsets. { "dev":"namespace7.0", "mode":"raw", "size":33554432, "blockdev":"pmem7", "badblockcount":17, "badblocks":[ { "offset":4, "length":1 }, { "offset":32768, "length":8 }, { "offset":65528, "length":8 } ] }

-v, verbose Increase verbosity of the output. This can be specified multiple times to be even more verbose on the informational and miscellaneous output, and can be used to override omitted flags for

showing specific information. -v In addition to the enabled namespaces default output, show the numanode, rawuuid, and bad

block media errors. -vv Everything -v provides, plus automatically

enable dimms, buses, and regions. -vvv Everything -vv provides, plus health, idle, and firmware.

-u, human Format numbers representing storage sizes, or offsets as human

readable strings with units instead of the default machine-friendly

raw-integer data. Convert other numeric fields into hexadecimal strings. .ft C

# ndctl list region=7 { "dev":"region7", "size":67108864, "availablesize":67108864, "type":"pmem",

"isetid":-6382611090938810793, "badblockcount":8 } .ft .ft C

# ndctl list human region=7 { "dev":"region7", "size":"64.00 MiB (67.11 MB)", "availablesize":"64.00 MiB (67.11 MB)", "type":"pmem", "isetid":"0xa76c6907811fae57", "badblockcount":8 } .ft COPYRIGHT

Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, Intel Corporation. License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SEE ALSO


ndctl 62 11/02/2018 NDCTL-LIST(1)

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