Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man mousetweaks

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man mousetweaks

mousetweaks(1) General Commands Manual mousetweaks(1)


mousetweaks - Accessibility enhancements for pointing devices SYNOPSIS

mousetweaks [dwell] [ssc] [dwell-time=FLOAT] [ssc-time=FLOAT]

[-m|dwell-mode=STRING] [-c|show-ctw] [-t|threshold=INT]

[-g|geometry] [-s|shutdown] [daemonize] [-?|help] DESCRIPTION mousetweaks is a collection of accessibility enhancements for pointing devices. This manual page describes the mousetweaks daemon. OPTIONS dwell Automatically perform mouse clicks without using a physical but‐ ton. ssc Trigger the secondary mouse button when the primary mouse button is held down for a specified amount of time.

dwell-time=FLOAT Time to keep the pointer motionless before a dwell click is per‐

formed. Range: 0.2 - 3.0 seconds.

ssc-time=FLOAT Time to hold the primary mouse button before a simulated sec‐

ondary click is performed. Range: 0.5 - 3.0 seconds.

-m, dwell-mode=STRING

Select a dwell mode. Available options: window - Select the

click type from a window or a panel applet. gesture - Perform different clicks by moving in different directions.

-c, show-ctw

Show the click-type window. Only useful in combination with


-t, threshold=INT

Ignore small pointer movements. Range: 0 - 30 pixels.

-g, geometry

Size and position of the click-type window. Expects a standard X Window System geometry string. ie. WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+Y

-s, shutdown Stop the mousetweaks daemon. daemonize Start mousetweaks in the background, ie. spawn a child process. login Start mousetweaks in login mode. Login mode enables workarounds specific to GDM. Currently unused. FILES

The daemon creates a lock file in the $XDGRUNTIMEDIR directory to keep track of its state. On systems with no user runtime

directory, the $XDGCACHEHOME directory is used. BUGS Report bugs to ⟨⟩ AUTHORS This manual page was written by Francesco Fumanti. LICENSE Licenced under the GNU General Public License v3 or later. mousetweaks(1)

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