Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man ldns_dnssec_name_set_nsec

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man ldns_dnssec_name_set_nsec

ldns(3) Library Functions Manual ldns(3)

NAME ldnsdnssecnamenew, ldnsdnssecnamenewfrmrr, ldnsdnssecnamefree, ldnsdnssecnamename, ldnsdnssecnamesetname, ldnsdnssecnamesetnsec, ldnsdnssecnamecmp, ldnsdnssecnameaddrr, ldnsdnssecnamefindrrset, ldnsdnssecnameprint SYNOPSIS



#include ldnsdnssecname* ldnsdnssecnamenew(); ldnsdnssecname* ldnsdnssecnamenewfrmrr(ldnsrr *rr); void ldnsdnssecnamefree(ldnsdnssecname *name); ldnsrdf* ldnsdnssecnamename(ldnsdnssecname *name); void ldnsdnssecnamesetname(ldnsdnssecname *name, ldnsrdf *dname); void ldnsdnssecnamesetnsec(ldnsdnssecname *name, ldnsrr *nsec); int ldnsdnssecnamecmp(const void *a, const void *b); ldnsstatus ldnsdnssecnameaddrr(ldnsdnssecname *name, ldnsrr *rr); ldnsdnssecrrsets* ldnsdnssecnamefindrrset(ldnsdnssecname *name, ldnsrrtype type); void ldnsdnssecnameprint(FILE *out, ldnsdnssecname *name); DESCRIPTION ldnsdnssecnamenew() Create a new data structure for a dnssec name Returns the allocated structure ldnsdnssecnamenewfrmrr() Create a new data structure for a dnssec name for the given RR rr: the RR to derive properties from, and to add to the name ldnsdnssecnamefree() Frees the name structure and its rrs and rrsets. Individual ldnsrr records therein are not freed name: the structure to free ldnsdnssecnamename() Returns the domain name of the given dnssecname structure name: the dnssec name to get the domain name from Returns the domain name ldnsdnssecnamesetname() Sets the domain name of the given dnssecname structure name: the dnssec name to set the domain name of dname: the domain name to set it to. This data is *not* copied. ldnsdnssecnamesetnsec() Sets the NSEC(3) RR of the given dnssecname structure name: the dnssec name to set the domain name of nsec: the nsec rr to set it to. This data is *not* copied. ldnsdnssecnamecmp() Compares the domain names of the two arguments in their canonical ordening. a: The first dnssecname to compare b: The second dnssecname to compare

Returns -1 if the domain name of a comes before that of b in canonical ordening, 1 if it is the other way around, and 0 if they are equal ldnsdnssecnameaddrr() Inserts the given rr at the right place in the current dnssecname No checking is done whether the name matches name: The ldnsdnssecname to add the RR to rr: The RR to add Returns LDNSSTATUSOK on success, error code otherwise ldnsdnssecnamefindrrset() Find the RRset with the given type in within this name structure name: the name to find the RRset in type: the type of the RRset to find Returns the RRset, or NULL if not present ldnsdnssecnameprint() Prints the RRs in the dnssec name structure to the given file descriptor out: the file descriptor to print to name: the name structure to print the contents of AUTHOR The ldns team at NLnet Labs. Which consists out of Jelte Jansen and Miek Gieben. REPORTING BUGS

Please report bugs to or in our bugzilla at COPYRIGHT

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 NLnet Labs. Licensed under the BSD License. There is NO warranty; not even for MER‐ CHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO ldnsdnsseczone. And perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034 and RFC4035. REMARKS This manpage was automaticly generated from the ldns source code by use of Doxygen and some perl. 30 May 2006 ldns(3)

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