Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man ktutil

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man ktutil

KTUTIL(1) MIT Kerberos KTUTIL(1)


ktutil - Kerberos keytab file maintenance utility SYNOPSIS ktutil DESCRIPTION The ktutil command invokes a command interface from which an adminisā€ trator can read, write, or edit entries in a keytab or Kerberos V4 srvtab file. COMMANDS list list Displays the current keylist. Alias: l readkt readkt keytab Read the Kerberos V5 keytab file keytab into the current keylist. Alias: rkt readst readst srvtab Read the Kerberos V4 srvtab file srvtab into the current keylist. Alias: rst writekt writekt keytab Write the current keylist into the Kerberos V5 keytab file keytab. Alias: wkt writest writest srvtab Write the current keylist into the Kerberos V4 srvtab file srvtab. Alias: wst clearlist clearlist Clear the current keylist. Alias: clear deleteentry deleteentry slot Delete the entry in slot number slot from the current keylist. Alias: delent addentry

addentry {-key|-password} -p principal -k kvno -e enctype Add principal to keylist using key or password. Alias: addent listrequests listrequests Displays a listing of available commands. Aliases: lr, ? quit quit Quits ktutil. Aliases: exit, q EXAMPLE

ktutil: addentry -password -p alice@BLEEP.COM -k 1 -e

aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 Password for alice@BLEEP.COM:

ktutil: addentry -password -p alice@BLEEP.COM -k 1 -e

aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 Password for alice@BLEEP.COM: ktutil: writekt keytab ktutil: SEE ALSO kadmin(1), kdb5util(8) AUTHOR MIT COPYRIGHT

1985-2017, MIT 1.15.1 KTUTIL(1)

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