Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man imsettings-switch

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man imsettings-switch

imsettings-switch(1) imsettings-switch(1)


imsettings-switch - Switch Input Method SYNOPSIS

imsettings-switch [ -hnqrx ] [ no-update ] [ quiet ] [ restart ]

[ read-xinputrc ] [ help ] [Input Method name | configuration filename] DESCRIPTION

imsettings-switch switches Input Method which is managed under imset‐ tings. Either Input Method name or configuration filename are required

unless read-xinputrc option is specified to determine the target from

$HOME/.config/imsettings/xinputrc or $xinputrcdir/xinputrc. OPTIONS This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long op‐

tions starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

-n no-update

Do not update $HOME/imsettings/xinputrc. without this option,

imsettings-switch will updates it with the targeted Input Method.

-q quiet Do not show any messages except errors.

-r restart Restart the given Input Method or one which is determined from

xinputrc by read-xinputrc option.

-x read-xinputrc

Determine the targeted Input Method from $HOME/imsettings/xinpu‐

trc or $xinputrcdir/xinputrc if not available.

-h help Show summary of options Input Method name Switch Input Method to Input Method name. configuration filename Switch Input Method to configuration filename. SEE ALSO

imsettings-list(1) imsettings-reload(1) AUTHOR This manual page was written by Akira TAGOH

Apr 10, 2013 imsettings-switch(1)

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