Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man grub2-mkfont

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man grub2-mkfont

GRUB-MKFONT(3) Library Functions Manual GRUB-MKFONT(3)


grub-mkfont — Convert common font file formats into the PF2 format. SYNOPSIS

grub-mkfont [ascii-bitmaps] [-a | force-autohint]

[-b | bold] [-c | asce=NUM] [-d | desc=NUM]

[-i | index=NUM] [-n | name=NAME] [no-bitmap]

[no-hinting] <-o | output=FILE>

[-r | range=FROM-TO[,FROM-TO]] [-s | size=SIZE]

[-v | verbose] [width-spec] FONTFILES DESCRIPTION

grub-mkfont converts font files from common formats into the PF2 format used by GRUB. OPTIONS

ascii-bitmaps Save only bitmaps for ASCII characters.

force-autohint Force generation of automatic hinting. bold Convert font to bold. asce=NUM Set font ascent to NUM. desc=NUM Set font descent to NUM. index=NUM Select face index NUM. name=NAME Set font family to NAME.

no-bitmap Ignore bitmap strikes when loading.

no-hinting Disable hinting. output=FILE Save ouptut to FILE. This argument is required.

range=FROM-TO,FROM-TO Set the font ranges to each pair of FROM,TO. size=SIZE Set font size to SIZE. verbose Print verbose messages.

width-spec Create a width summary file. FONTFILES The input files to be converted. SEE ALSO info grub

Wed Feb 26 2014 GRUB-MKFONT(3)

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