getcert remove-ca [options] DESCRIPTION Remove a CA configuration from certmonger. Enrollment requests which reference the CA will behave as though they have no assigned CA. OPTIONS
-c NAME The nickname of the CA configuration to remove.
-v Be verbose about errors. Normally, the details of an error received from the daemon will be suppressed if the client can make a diagnostic suggestion. BUGS Please file tickets for any that you find at https://fedora‐ SEE ALSO
certmonger(8) getcert(1) getcert-add-ca(1) getcert-add-scep-ca(1)
getcert-list-cas(1) getcert-list(1) getcert-modify-ca(1) getcert-
refresh-ca(1) getcert-refresh(1) getcert-request(1) getcert-resubmit(1)
getcert-status(1) getcert-stop-tracking(1) certmonger-certmaster-sub‐
mit(8) certmonger-dogtag-ipa-renew-agent-submit(8) certmonger-dogtag-
submit(8) certmonger-ipa-submit(8) certmonger-local-submit(8) certmon‐
ger-scep-submit(8) certmongerselinux(8) certmonger Manual 24 February 2015 certmonger(1)