Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man function::ngroups

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man function::ngroups

FUNCTION::NGROUPS(3stap)A collection of standard strinFUNCTION::NGROUPS(3stap)


function::ngroups - Number of subexpressions in the last match. SYNOPSIS ngroups:long() ARGUMENTS None DESCRIPTION returns the number of subexpressions from the last successful use of the =~ regex matching operator. Note that this number includes subexpressions which are present in the regex but did not match any string; for example, given the regex “a|(b)”, the subexpressions will count the group for (b) regardless of whether it matched a string or not. Throws an error if the last use of =~ was a failed match. SEE ALSO tapset::regex(3stap) SystemTap Tapset Reference June 2018 FUNCTION::NGROUPS(3stap)

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