Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man flatpak-uninstall

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man flatpak-uninstall



flatpak-uninstall - Uninstall an application or runtime SYNOPSIS flatpak uninstall [OPTION...] [REF...] DESCRIPTION Uninstalls an application or runtime. REF is a reference to the application or runtime to uninstall. Each REF argument is a full or partial indentifier in the flatpak ref format, which looks like "(app|runtime)/ID/ARCH/BRANCH". All elements except ID are optional and can be left out, including the slashes, so most of the time you need only specify ID. Any part left out will be matched against what is installed, and if there are multiple matches an error message will list the alternatives. By default this looks for both installed apps and runtimes with the given REF, but you can limit this by using the app or runtime option, or by supplying the initial element in the REF. Normally, this command removes the ref for this application/runtime from the local OSTree repository and purges any objects that are no longer needed to free up disk space. If the same application is later reinstalled, the objects will be pulled from the remote repository

again. The keep-ref option can be used to prevent this. If all branches of the application/runtime are removed, this command also purges the data directory for the application. Unless overridden with the system, user, or installation options,

this command searches both the system-wide installation and the

per-user one for REF and errors out if it exists in more than one. OPTIONS The following options are understood:

-h, help Show help options and exit.

keep-ref Keep the ref for the application and the objects belonging to it in the local repository. user

Uninstalls from a per-user installation. system

Uninstalls from the default system-wide installation. installation=NAME

Uninstalls from a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using installation=default is equivalent to using system. arch=ARCH The architecture to uninstall, instead of the architecture of the host system. all Remove all refs on the system. unused Remove unused refs on the system.

-y, assumeyes Automatically answer yes to all questions. This is useful for automation. app Only look for an app with the given name. runtime Only look for a runtime with the given name.

no-related Don't uninstall related extensions, such as the locale data.

force-remove Remove files even if they're in use by a running application.

-v, verbose Print debug information during command processing.

ostree-verbose Print OSTree debug information during command processing. EXAMPLES

$ flatpak user uninstall org.gnome.GEdit flatpak FLATPAK UNINSTALL(1)

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