Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man flatpak-remote-modify

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man flatpak-remote-modify



flatpak-remote-modify - Modify a remote repository SYNOPSIS

flatpak remote-modify [OPTION...] NAME DESCRIPTION Modifies options for an existing remote repository in the flatpak repository configuration. NAME is the name for the remote. Unless overridden with the system, user, or installation options,

this command uses either the default system-wide installation or the

per-user one, depending on which has the specified REMOTE. OPTIONS The following options are understood:

-h, help Show help options and exit. user

Modify the per-user configuration. system

Modify the default system-wide configuration. installation=NAME

Modify a system-wide installation specified by NAME among those defined in /etc/flatpak/installations.d/. Using installation=default is equivalent to using system.

no-gpg-verify Disable GPG verification for the added remote.

gpg-verify Enable GPG verification for the added remote. prio=PRIO Set the priority for the remote. Default is 1, higher is more prioritized. This is mainly used for graphical installation tools.

no-enumerate Mark the remote as not enumerated. This means the remote will not be used to list applications, for instance in graphical installation tools.

no-use-for-deps Mark the remote as not to be used for automatic runtime dependency resolution. disable Disable the remote. Disabled remotes will not be automatically updated from. enable Enable the remote. enumerate Mark the remote as enumerated. This means the remote will be used to list applications, for instance in graphical installation tools.

use-for-deps Mark the remote as to be used for automatic runtime dependency resolution. title=TITLE A title for the remote, e.g. for display in a UI.

default-branch=BRANCH A default branch for the remote, mainly for use in a UI.

collection-id=COLLECTION-ID The globally unique identifier of the remote repository, to allow mirrors to be grouped. This must only be set to the collection ID provided by the remote, and must not be set if the remote does not provide a collection ID. url=URL Set a new URL.

update-metadata Update the remote's extra metadata from the OSTree repository's

summary file. Only xa.title and xa.default-branch are supported at the moment.

gpg-import=FILE Import gpg keys from the specified keyring file as trusted for the

new remote. If the file is - the keyring is read from standard input.

-v, verbose Print debug information during command processing.

ostree-verbose Print OSTree debug information during command processing. EXAMPLES

$ flatpak user remote-modify no-gpg-verify test-repo SEE ALSO

flatpak(1), flatpak-remote-add(1), flatpak-remote-delete(1), flatpak- remotes(1)


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