Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man fgconsole

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man fgconsole

FGCONSOLE(1) Linux User's Manual FGCONSOLE(1)


fgconsole - print the number of the active VT. SYNOPSIS

fgconsole [ -h help | -V version | -n next-available ] DESCRIPTION If the active Virtual Terminal is /dev/ttyN, then prints N on standard output. If the console is a serial console, then "serial" is printed instead.

-h help Prints short usage message and exits.

-V version Prints version number and exits.

next-available Will show the next unallocated virtual terminal. Normally 6 vir‐ tual terminals are allocated, with number 7 used for X; this will return "8" in this case. NOTES Under devfs, the consoles are in /dev/vc/N. devfsd may maintain sym‐ links for compatibility. SEE ALSO chvt(1). 14 Feburary 2002 FGCONSOLE(1)

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