Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man dvcont

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man dvcont

DVCONT(1) General Commands Manual DVCONT(1)


dvcont - send control commands to DV cameras SYNOPSIS dvcont [ ... ] DESCRIPTION dvcont is a command line tool to send control commands via an IEEE1394 link to a device that implements the AV/C specifications by the 1394

Trade Association. Or for the non-techies: dvcont lets you remote con‐ trol your DV camera via a Firewire cable. The following commands are understood: dev Select device number on chain to use. (dvcont tries to automati‐ cally detect the camera. Use the dev command BEFORE any other commands for manual control.)

play Tell the camera to play. If already playing, it toggles slow- motion. reverse Tell the camera to play in reverse. If already playing, it tog‐

gles slow-motion.

trickplay < -14 to +14 > Tell the camera to play at various speeds. 0 = forward play,

-14 = fastest reverse, -8 = 1X reverse, -1 = slowest reverse, 1 = slowest forward, 8 = 1X forward, 14 = fastest forward. (Not supported by all cameras.) stop Tell the camera to stop playing. rewind Tell the camera to rewind. (Use in stop or play mode.) ff Tell the camera to fast forward. (Use in stop or play mode.) pause Tell the camera to toggle pause play. next Tell the camera to go to the next frame. (Use in pause mode.) nextindex Tell the camera to search for the next scene. (Use in pause or play mode.) prev Tell the camera to go to the previous frame. (Use in pause mode) previndex Tell the camera to search for the previous scene. (Use in pause or play mode) record Tell the camera to record. (Use with caution!) eject Tell the camera to eject the tape. (Not supported by all cam‐ eras.) timecode Report the timecode on tape in the format HH:MM:SS:FF (hours,

minutes, seconds, intra-second frames). seek Tell the camera to go to the timecode, given in format HH:MM:SS:FF as above. status Report the status of the device. pluginfo Report available plugs. verbose Tell the program to tell you debug info. version Tell the program to tell you the program version. help Tell the program to show you a help screen. AUTHORS dvcont was written by Jason Howard and Dan Dennedy . This man page was written with the help of help2man by Daniel Kobras for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution (but may be used by others). Updated by Dan Dennedy . September 2002 DVCONT(1)

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