Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man abrt-retrace-client

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man abrt-retrace-client



abrt-retrace-client - Handles the communication with Retrace server. SYNOPSIS

abrt-retrace-client [options] DESCRIPTION This tool is able to communicate with Retrace server: create a new task, ask about task’s status, download log or backtrace of a finished task. Integration with libreport events

abrt-retrace-client can be used as an analyzer for application crashes which dump core. Example usage in reportevent.conf: EVENT=analyze analyzer=CCpp

abrt-retrace-client OPERATIONS create Creates a new task. Prints task ID and password to stdout. Either

-d or -c is required. status

Prints task's status to stdout. Both -t and -p are required. log

Prints finished task's log to stdout. Both -t and -p are required. backtrace

Print finished task's backtrace to stdout. Both -t and -p are required. batch Runs all operations in one step: creates a new task, periodically

asks for status (the period is specified by status-delay option) and downloads the result when finished. If the task was successful backtrace file is saved, otherwise log is printed to stdout. Either

-c or -d is required. OPTIONS

-v, verbose be verbose

-s, syslog log to syslog

-k, insecure allow insecure connection to retrace server url URL retrace server URL headers (debug) show received HTTP headers

-d, dir DIR read data from ABRT problem directory

-c, core COREDUMP read data from coredump

-l, status-delay delay for polling operations (seconds)

no-unlink (debug) do not delete temporary archive created in /tmp

-t, task ID ID of the task on server

-p, password PWD password of the task on server AUTHORS · ABRT team

abrt 2.1.11 11/13/2018 ABRT-RETRACE-CLIEN(1)

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