XTranslateCoordinates - translate window coordinates SYNTAX Bool XTranslateCoordinates(Display *display, Window srcw, destw, int srcx, int srcy, int *destxreturn, int *destyreturn, Window *childreturn); ARGUMENTS childreturn Returns the child if the coordinates are contained in a mapped child of the destination window. destw Specifies the destination window. destxreturn destyreturn Return the x and y coordinates within the destination window. display Specifies the connection to the X server. srcw Specifies the source window. srcx srcy Specify the x and y coordinates within the source window. DESCRIPTION If XTranslateCoordinates returns True, it takes the srcx and srcy coordinates relative to the source window's origin and returns these coordinates to destxreturn and destyreturn relative to the destina‐ tion window's origin. If XTranslateCoordinates returns False, srcw and destw are on different screens, and destxreturn and destyreturn are zero. If the coordinates are contained in a mapped child of destw, that child is returned to childreturn. Otherwise, childreturn is set to None. XTranslateCoordinates can generate a BadWindow error. DIAGNOSTICS BadWindow A value for a Window argument does not name a defined Window. SEE ALSO
Xlib - C Language X Interface X Version 11 libX11 1.6.5 XTranslateCoordinates(3)