Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man Pod::Simple::HTML

Manual Pages for Linux CentOS command on man Pod::Simple::HTML

Pod::Simple::HTML(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Pod::Simple::HTML(3)


Pod::Simple::HTML - convert Pod to HTML SYNOPSIS

perl -MPod::Simple::HTML -e Pod::Simple::HTML::go thingy.pod DESCRIPTION This class is for making an HTML rendering of a Pod document. This is a subclass of Pod::Simple::PullParser and inherits all its methods (and options). Note that if you want to do a batch conversion of a lot of Pod documents to HTML, you should see the module Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch. CALLING FROM THE COMMAND LINE TODO

perl -MPod::Simple::HTML -e Pod::Simple::HTML::go Thing.pod Thing.html CALLING FROM PERL Minimal code use Pod::Simple::HTML;

my $p = Pod::Simple::HTML->new;

$p->outputstring(\my $html);


open my $out, '>', 'out.html' or die "Cannot open 'out.html': $!\n";

print $out $html; More detailed example use Pod::Simple::HTML; Set the content type:

$Pod::Simple::HTML::Contentdecl = q{};

my $p = Pod::Simple::HTML->new; Include a single javascript source:

$p->htmljavascript(''); Or insert multiple javascript source in the header (or for that matter include anything, thought this is not recommended)

$p->htmljavascript(' '); Include a single css source in the header:

$p->htmlcss('/style.css'); or insert multiple css sources:

$p->htmlcss(' '); Tell the parser where should the output go. In this case it will be

placed in the $html variable:

my $html;

$p->outputstring(\$html); Parse and process a file with pod in it:

$p->parsefile('path/to/Module/'); METHODS TODO all (most?) accessorized methods

The following variables need to be set before the call to the ->new constructor. Set the string that is included before the opening tag:

$Pod::Simple::HTML::Doctypedecl = qq{ "">\n};

Set the content-type in the HTML head: (defaults to ISO-8859-1)

$Pod::Simple::HTML::Contentdecl = q{}; Set the value that will be ebedded in the opening tags of F, C tags and verbatim text. F maps to , C maps to , Verbatim text maps to

 (Computerese defaults to "")

$Pod::Simple::HTML::Computerese = ' class="someclassname'; htmlcss htmljavascript titleprefix titlepostfix htmlheaderbeforetitle This includes everything before the opening tag including the Document type and including the opening <title> tag. The following call will set it to be a simple HTML file: <P> $p->htmlheaderbeforetitle('<html><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title>'); </P4> htmlhlevel Normally =head1 will become <h1>, =head2 will become <h2> etc. Using the htmlhlevel method will change these levels setting the h level of =head1 tags: <P> $p->htmlhlevel(3); </P4> Will make sure that =head1 will become <h3> and =head2 will become <h4> etc... index Set it to some true value if you want to have an index (in reality a table of contents) to be added at the top of the generated HTML. <P> $p->index(1); </P4> htmlheaderaftertitle Includes the closing tag of and through the rest of the head till the opening of the body

$p->htmlheaderaftertitle('...'); htmlfooter The very end of the document:

$p->htmlfooter( qq[\n\n\n\n] ); SUBCLASSING Can use any of the methods described above but for further customization one needs to override some of the methods: package My::Pod; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Pod::Simple::HTML';

# needs to return a URL string such


# #anchorinthesamefile

# /internal/ref.html sub dopodlink {

# My::Pod object and Pod::Simple::PullParserStartToken object

my ($self, $link) = @;

say $link->tagname; # will be L for links

say $link->attr('to'); #

say $link->attr('type'); # will be 'pod' always

say $link->attr('section');

# Links local to our web site

if ($link->tagname eq 'L' and $link->attr('type') eq 'pod') {

my $to = $link->attr('to');

if ($to =~ /^Padre::/) {

$to =~ s{::}{/}g;

return "/docs/Padre/$to.html"; } }

# all other links are generated by the parent class

my $ret = $self->SUPER::dopodlink($link);

return $ret; } 1; Meanwhile in use My::Pod;

my $p = My::Pod->new;

my $html;



open my $out, '>', 'out.html' or die;

print $out $html; TODO maybe override dobeginning doend SEE ALSO Pod::Simple, Pod::Simple::HTMLBatch TODO: a corpus of sample Pod input and HTML output? Or common idioms? SUPPORT Questions or discussion about POD and Pod::Simple should be sent to the mail list. Send an empty email to to subscribe. This module is managed in an open GitHub repository,

. Feel free to fork and

contribute, or to clone and send patches! Patches against Pod::Simple are welcome. Please send bug reports to


Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Sean M. Burke. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Hurricane Electric for permission to use its Linux man pages online site for man page links. Thanks to for permission to use the site for Perl module links. AUTHOR Pod::Simple was created by Sean M. Burke . But don't bother him, he's retired. Pod::Simple is maintained by: · Allison Randal "" · Hans Dieter Pearcey "" · David E. Wheeler ""

perl v5.16.3 2013-05-03 Pod::Simple::HTML(3)

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