Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ypxfr

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ypxfr

YPXFR(8) BSD System Manager's Manual YPXFR(8)


yyppxxffrr - get a YP map from YP server


yyppxxffrr [-bbccff] [-dd domain] [-hh host] [-ss domain] [-CC tid prog ipadd port]



yyppxxffrr is the utiliy in YP that transfers maps to the local host. Since the YP master transfers a map when it has changed, an YP slave should check for missed maps regulary. This can be done via an entry in

crontab(5). The scripts ypxfr1perhour, ypxfr2perday and ypxfr1perday

could be used for that. The options are as follows:

-bb Preserve the entry in the database informing a YP server to use

DNS to get information about unknown hosts. This option will only have effect on the two maps hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr.

-cc Don't send a "Clear current map" to local ypserv process. Useful

if ypserv isn't running localy to avoid timeout message.

-ff Force map transfer, even if version of master is older than local


-dd domain

Don't use default domain, use the specifiyed domain.

-hh host

Get map from host insteed of the maps master host.

-ss domain

Specify a source domain other than the target domain.

-CC tid prog ipadd port

This option is only used by ypserv. This is to open communication with an yppush on another host. FILES





yp(8), yppush(8), ypserv(8) AUTHOR Mats O Jansson BSD August 18, 1994 BSD

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