wsgen - JAX-WS 2.0
wsgen [options] SEI
The wwssggeenn tool generates JAX-WS portable artifacts used in JAX-WS web
services. The tool reads a web service endpoint implementation class(SEI) and generates all the required artifacts for web service deploy-
ment, and invocation. OOPPTTIIOONNSS-ccllaassssppaatthh path
Specify where to find input class files-ccpp path
Same as -classpath
-dd directory
Specify where to place generated output files-eexxtteennssiioonn
allow vendor extensions (functionality not specified by the specification). Use of extensions may result in applicationsthat are not portable or may not interoperate with other imple-
mentations.-hheellpp Display help
-kkeeeepp Keep generated files
-rr directory
Used only in conjunction with the -wwssddll option. Specify where to
place generated resource files such as WSDLs.-ss directory
Specify where to place generated source files-vveerrbboossee
Output messages about what the compiler is doing-vveerrssiioonn
Print version information. Use of this option will ONLY print version information. Normal processing will not occur.-wwssddll[:protocol]
By default wwssggeenn does not generate a WSDL file. This flag is optional and will cause wwssggeenn to generate a WSDL file and is usually only used so that the developer can look at the WSDL before the endpoint is deploy. The protocol is optional and isused to specify what protocol should be used in the wwssddll::bbiinndd-
iinngg. Valid protocols include: ssooaapp11..11 and XXssooaapp11..22. The default is ssooaapp11..11. XXssooaapp11..22 is not standard and can only be used inconjunction with the -eexxtteennssiioonn option.
-sseerrvviicceennaammee name
Used only in conjunction with the -wwssddll option. Used to specify
a particular wwssddll::sseerrvviiccee name to be generated in the WSDL.Example, -sseerrvviicceennaammee "{http://mynamespace/}MyService"
-ppoorrttnnaammee name
Used only in conjunction with the -wwssddll option. Used to specify
a particular wwssddll::ppoorrtt name to be generated in the WSDL. Exam-
ple, -ppoorrttnnaammee "{http://mynamespace/}MyPort"
EExxaammpplleewwssggeenn -ccpp .. -wwssddll ffrroommjjaavvaa..sseerrvveerr..AAddddNNuummbbeerrssIImmppll
This generates the portable JAX-WS artifacts that are required for Web
Service deployment. It also generates the WSDL for the Web Servicewith the -wwssddll option.
07 Aug 2006 wsgen(1)