::vfs - Commands and Procedures to create virtual filesystems
ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree TTccll 88..44 ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree vvffss ??11..22..11?? vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm info vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm mount vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm unmount vvffss::::aacccceessssMMooddee mode vvffss::::mmaattcchhDDiirreeccttoorriieess types vvffss::::mmaattcchhFFiilleess types vvffss::::mmaattcchhCCoorrrreeccttTTyyppeess types filelist ?inDir?DESCRIPTION
The ::::vvffss package provides commands to query, mount and unmount virtual filesystems, and provides as Tcl libraries some facilities for helpingthe writing of new virtual filesystems in Tcl. Once a virtual filesys-
tem is in place, the standard Tcl ffiillee, gglloobb, ccdd, ppwwdd, ooppeenn commands,including all their C APIs in the Tcl library (e.g. TTccllFFSSOOppeennFFiilleeCChhaann-
nneell, TTccllFFSSMMaattcchhIInnDDiirreeccttoorryy,...), can be used within the filesystem (and indeed, properly written extensions such as Tk which may open or read files will also transparently access the virtual filesystem). Because all of Tcl's FS activity passes through a single layer, it can all be intercepted. This package does just that. Notice that this isquite different to overloading the ffiillee command in Tcl. We are actu-
ally providing vfs replacements for C commands like aacccceessss, ssttaatt. By
implementing just a handful of commands at this low level, we ensure that all commands at higher levels function irrespective of what is going on inside the FS layer.Tcl's filesystem hooks operate on a per-process basis. This means
every Tcl interpreter in the same process/application sees the same filesystem, including any virtual filesystems. The ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree vvffss command should be used to access this library.It automatically registers the vfs hooks into Tcl's filesystem, and
these will not be removed until Tcl exits (if desired, control overthis could be exposed to Tcl in the future). However, the vfs package
will at that stage not have any new filesystems mounted, so it will have little effect. Note that ppaacckkaaggee rreeqquuiirree vvffss has two effects. First of all, when it is issued in aannyy Tcl interpreter it will ensurethe vfs hooks have been registered with Tcl's core just once (and if
any of those interpreters are later deleted, the vfs hooks will still
remain registered - they remain until Tcl exits). The second effect is
to provide the command vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm which allows the interpreter to intercept filesystem commands and handle them with Tcl code in that interpreter. There are three somewhat unsupported subcommands of vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm, ffuullllyynnoorrmmaalliizzee ppaatthh, ppoossiixxeerrrroorr iinntt, iinntteerrnnaalleerrrroorr ??ssccrriipptt??, which are used to normalize a path (including any final symlink), to register a posix error code with a Tcl error, and to trap/report internal errorsin tclvfs implementations respectively.
vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm mount ?-volume? path command
To use a virtual filesystem, it must be 'mounted'. Mountinginvolves declaring to the vfs package that any subdirectories of
a given path in the filesystem should be handled by the givencommand which should be a Tcl command or procedure in the inter-
preter in which the vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm is executed. If the ?-vol-
ume? flag is given, the given mount point is also registered with Tcl as a new volume (like a new drive which will appear in file volumes). This is useful (and required for reasonable operation) for mounts like ftp://. For paths mounted inside the native filesystem, it should of course not be given. The newfilesystem mounts will be observed immediately in all inter-
preters in the current process. If the interpreter is laterdeleted, all mounts which are intercepted by it will be automat-
ically removed (and will therefore affect the view of the filesystem seen by all interpreters). vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm unmount path This unmounts the virtual filesystem which was mounted at path (hence removing it from Tcl's filesystem), or throws an error if no filesystem was mounted there. vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm info ?path?If no arguments are given, this returns a list of all filesys-
tems mounted (in all interpreters). If a path argument is given, then the command to be used for that path is returned, oran error is thrown if no vfs is mounted for that path. There is
currently no facility for examining in which interpreter each command will be evaluated. vvffss::::ffiilleessyysstteemm fullynormalize path Performs a full expansion of path, (as per 'file normalize'), but including following any links in the last element of path. IIMMPPLLEEMMEENNTTIINNGG AA TTCCLL OONNLLYY VVFFSSThe vfs package will intercept every filesystem operation which falls
within a given mount point, and pass the operation on to the mount point's command in the interpreter which registered it. In general thisoccurs by the C equivalent of an evaluation like this: eval $command
[list $subcmd $root $relative $actualpath] $args.
Here subcmd may be any of the following: access, createdirectory, deletefile, fileattributes, matchindirectory, open, removedirectory, stat, utime. If command takes appropriate action for each of thesecases, a complete, perfect virtual filesystem will be achieved, indis-
tinguishable to Tcl from the native filesystem. (CAVEATS: right now Idon't expose to Tcl all the permission-related flags of 'glob').
The remaining arguments specify a file path on which to operate (all commands operate on one of these), and any additional arguments which may be required to carry out the action. The file path is specified by three arguments: root is the part of the path which lies outside this filesystem's mount point, relative is the part of the path which lies inside this filesytem, and actualpath is the original (unnormalized) name of the path which was used in the current command wherever it originated (in Tcl or C). For example, if C:/foo/bar/ is a path in your filesystem, where is a zip archive whichhas been mounted (on top of itself) and contains xxx/yyy, and the cur-
rent working directory is inside xxx, and we evaluate a command like file exists yyy, then rootwill be C:/foo/bar/, relative will be xxx/yyy, and actualpath will be yyy. The file separator between the root and relative is omitted. Note that most filesystem operations will only require the relative argument to work correctly, but the other arguments are actually required for correct operation of some subcommands. Almost all of these commands should either return correctly (i.e. witha TCLOK result at the C level) or they should use vfs::filesystem
posixerror to signal the appropriate posix error code. If a Tcl error is thrown, that should be considered a bug, but it will be interpreted as an unknown posix error in the filesystem call. The exceptions to these rules are those filesystem commands which are able to specify a Tcl error message directly: open (when an interpreter is given), matchindirectory and fileattributes (for a set or get operation only). These three commands are allowed to throw any Tcl error message which will be passed along to the caller, or they may throw a posix error which will be handled appropriately.The actual commands are as follows (where r-r-a represents the standard
argument triplet of root, relative and actualpath):command access r-r-a mode
Return TCLOK or throw a posix error depending on whether the given access mode (which is an integer) is compatible with the file.command createdirectory r-r-a
Create a directory with the given name. The command can assumethat all sub-directories in the path exist and are valid, and
that the actual desired path does not yet exist (Tcl takes care of all of that for us).command deletefile r-r-a
Delete the given file.command fileattributes r-r-a ?index? ?value?
If neither index nor value is given, then return a list of all acceptable attribute names. If index is given, but no value, then retrieve the value of the index'th attribute (counting in order over the list returned when no argument is given) for the given file. If a value is also given then set the index'th attribute of the given file to that value.command matchindirectory r-r-a pattern types
Return the list of files or directories in the given path (which is always the name of an existing directory), which match the pattern and are compatible with the types given. It is very important that the command correctly handle types requests for directories only (and files only), because to handle any kind of recursive globbing, Tcl will actually generate requests fordirectory-only matches from the filesystem. See vvffss::::mmaattcchhDDii-
rreeccttoorriieess below for help.command open r-r-a mode permissions
For this command, mode is any of "r", "w", "a", "w+", "a+". If the open involves creating a file, then permissions dictates what modes to create it with. If the open operation was not successful, an error should be thrown. If the open operation is successful, the command should return a list of either one or two items. The first item (which is obligatory) is the name of the channel which has been created. The second item, if given,is a Tcl-callback to be used when the channel is closed, so that
the vfs can clean up as appropriate. This callback will be
evaluated by Tcl just before the channel is closed. The channel will still exist, and all available data will have been flushed into it. The callback can, for example, seek to the beginningof the channel, read its contents and store that contents else-
where (e.g. compressed or on a remote ftp site, etc). The return code or any errors returned by the callback are ignored(if the callback wishes to signal an error, it must do so asyc-
nhronously, with bgerror, for example), unless the 'internaler-
ror' script has been specified, when they are passed to that script for further action.command removedirectory r-r-a recursive
Delete the given directory. recursive is either 0 or 1. If itis 1 then even if the directory is non-empty, an attempt should
be made to recursively delete it and its contents. If it is 0and the directory is non-empty, a posix error (EEXIST) should be
thrown.command stat r-r-a
Return a list of even length containing field-name and value
pairs for the contents of a stat structure. The order is not important. The option names are dev (long), ino (long), mode (int), nlink (long), uid (long), gid (long), size (long), atime (long), mtime (long), ctime (long), type (string which is either "directory" or "file"), where the type of each argument is givenin brackets. The procedure should therefore return with some-
thing like return [list dev 0 type file mtime 1234 ...].command utime r-r-a actime mtime
Set the access and modification times of the given file (these are read with 'stat'). VVFFSS HHEELLPPEERRSSThe vfslib provides a number of Tcl procedures which can help with
writing command procedures to handle the above possibilities. These are: vvffss::::aacccceessssMMooddee mode converts an integer access mode to a somewhat more preferable string, any of F X W XW R RX RW. vvffss::::mmaattcchhDDiirreeccttoorriieess types Does types want directories included? vvffss::::mmaattcchhFFiilleess types Does types want files included? vvffss::::mmaattcchhCCoorrrreeccttTTyyppeess types filelist ?inDir? Returns that subset of the filelist (which are either absolute paths or names of files in inDir) which are compatible with the types given. VVFFSS DDEEBBUUGGGGIINNGG Use something like this to debug problems in your implementation:vfs::filesystem internalerror report ; proc report {} { puts stderr
$::errorInfo }
LLIIMMIITTAATTIIOONNSSThere are very few limitations to the vfs code. One subtlety that you
may encounter is if you mount a case-sensitive virtual filesystem into
a case-insensitive system (e.g. the standard Windows or MacOS fs) and
your code relies on case-insensitivity, then it will not run properly
in the virtual filesystem. Of course if your code relies on case-
insensitivity, it wouldn't run under Tcl on Unix either, so the best solution is to fix your code! We may add link and lstat commands in the future to allow virtualfilesystems to support reading and writing links - this is supported by
the C API, but has simply not been exposed to Tcl in this extension, yet. The Tcl 'TclFSMatchInDirectory' function takes a variety of type information in a TclGlobTypeData structure. We currently only expose the 'type' field from that structure (so the 'permissions' and MacOS type/creator fields are ignored). KKEEYYWWOORRDDSSvfs, filesystem, file
Vfs 1.2.1 vfs(n)