Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man vers_string

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man vers_string



versstring - produce version identification string


vveerrssssttrriinngg [ -[[cc || ff || ll]] ] PROGRAM


Versstring outputs a string made up of the SGS version name, the cur-

rent user's login identifier, and the current time and date. Versstring may only be used within an SGS project. The output of versstring has the following format: PPRROOGGRRAAMM::prog PPRROOJJEECCTT::proj&vers DDEEVVEELLOOPPEERR::bob BBUUIILLTT::Thu Dec 31 ... prog is the command line argument PROGRAM, proj&vers is the name of the SGS version root, and bob is the user who built this version.

If the -c option is used, the output is formed as a C declaration for

the global character array SGSVERS. If the -l option is used, the

output is formed like the -c option, but "PROGRAM" is replaced with

"LIBRARY" and the declaration is static. If the -f option is used, the

output is simply the program name and suffixed with the current version number of the SGS version root. Versstring is typically used within makefiles with a rule like:

vers.c: ${OBJS} versstring -c ${PROGRAM} >vers.c

5 July 1987 VERSSTRING(1)

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