uucico - UUCP file transfer daemon
uuuucciiccoo [ options ]DESCRIPTION
The uucico daemon processes file transfer requests queued by uucp (1)
and uux (1). It is started when uucp or uux is run (unless they aregiven the -rr option). It is also typically started periodically using
entries in the crontab table(s).When invoked with -rr11,, --mmaasstteerr,, -ss,, --ssyysstteemm,, or -SS,, the daemon will
place a call to a remote system, running in master mode. Otherwise the daemon will start in slave mode, accepting a call from a remote system.Typically a special login name will be set up for UUCP which automati-
cally invokes uucico when a call is made.
When uucico terminates, it invokes the uuxqt (8) daemon, unless the -qq
or --nnoouuuuxxqqtt option is given; uuxqt (8) executes any work orders cre-
ated by uux (1) on a remote system, and any work orders created locally which have received remote files for which they were waiting.If a call fails, uucico will normally refuse to retry the call until a
certain (configurable) amount of time has passed. This may be overri-
den by the -ff,, --ffoorrccee,, or -SS option.
The -ll,, --pprroommpptt,, -ee,, or --lloooopp options may be used to force uucico to
produce its own prompts of "login: " and "Password:". When another daemon calls in, it will see these prompts and log in as usual. The login name and password will normally be checked against a separatelist kept specially for uucico rather than the /etc/passwd file; it is
possible on some systems to direct uucico to use the /etc/passwd file.
The -ll or --pprroommpptt option will prompt once and then exit; in this mode
the UUCP administrator or the superuser may use the -uu or --llooggiinn
option to force a login name, in which case uucico will not prompt for
one. The -ee or --lloooopp option will prompt again after the first session
is over; in this mode uucico will permanently control a port.
If uucico receives a SIGQUIT, SIGTERM or SIGPIPE signal, it will
cleanly abort any current conversation with a remote system and exit. If it receives a SIGHUP signal it will abort any current conversation,but will continue to place calls to (if invoked with -rr11 or --mmaasstteerr))
and accept calls from (if invoked with -ee or --lloooopp)) other systems. If
it receives a SIGINT signal it will finish the current conversation, but will not place or accept any more calls. OOPPTTIIOONNSSThe following options may be given to uucico.
-rr11,, --mmaasstteerr
Start in master mode (call out to a system); implied by -ss,, --ssyyss-
tteemm,, or -SS.. If no system is specified, call any system for which
work is waiting to be done.-rr00,, --ssllaavvee
Start in slave mode. This is the default.-ss ssyysstteemm,, --ssyysstteemm ssyysstteemm
Call the named system.-SS ssyysstteemm
Call the named system, ignoring any required wait. This is equiv-
alent to -ss ssyysstteemm -ff..
-ff,, --ffoorrccee
Ignore any required wait for any systems to be called.-ll,, --pprroommpptt
Prompt for login name and password using "login: " and "Pass-
word:". This allows uucico to be easily run from inetd (8). The
login name and password are checked against the UUCP password file, which probably has no connection to the file /etc/passwd.The --llooggiinn option may be used to force a login name, in which
cause uucico will only prompt for a password.
-pp ppoorrtt,, --ppoorrtt ppoorrtt
Specify a port to call out on or to listen to.-ee,, --lloooopp
Enter endless loop of login/password prompts and slave mode daemon execution. The program will not stop by itself; you must use kill (1) to shut it down.-ww,, --wwaaiitt
After calling out (to a particular system when -ss,, --ssyysstteemm,, or -SS
is specifed, or to all systems which have work when just -rr11 or
--mmaasstteerr is specifed), begin an endless loop as with --lloooopp..
-qq,, --nnoouuuuxxqqtt
Do not start the uuxqt (8) daemon when finished.-cc,, --qquuiieett
If no calls are permitted at this time, then don't make the call, but also do not put an error message in the log file and do not update the system status (as reported by uustat (1)). This can be convenient for automated polling scripts, which may want to simplyattempt to call every system rather than worry about which partic-
ular systems may be called at the moment. This option also sup-
presses the log message indicating that there is no work to be done.-CC,, --iiffwwoorrkk
Only call the system named by -ss,, --ssyysstteemm or -SS if there is work
for that system.-DD,, --nnooddeettaacchh
Do not detach from the controlling terminal. Normally uucico
detaches from the terminal before each call out to another system and before invoking uuxqt. This option prevents this.-uu nnaammee,, --llooggiinn nnaammee
Set the login name to use instead of that of the invoking user. This option may only be used by the UUCP administrator or thesuperuser. If used with --pprroommpptt,, this will cause uucico to
prompt only for the password, not the login name.-zz,, --ttrryy-nneexxtt
If a call fails after the remote system is reached, try the next alternate rather than simply exiting.-ii ttyyppee,, --ssttddiinn ttyyppee
Set the type of port to use when using standard input. The only support port type is TLI, and this is only available on machineswhich support the TLI networking interface. Specifying -iiTTLLII
causes uucico to use TLI calls to perform I/O.
-xx ttyyppee,, -XX ttyyppee,, --ddeebbuugg ttyyppee
Turn on particular debugging types. The following types are rec-
ognized: abnormal, chat, handshake, uucp-proto, proto, port, con-
fig, spooldir, execute, incoming, outgoing.Multiple types may be given, separated by commas, and the --ddeebbuugg
option may appear multiple times. A number may also be given, which will turn on that many types from the foregoing list; forexample, --ddeebbuugg 22 is equivalent to --ddeebbuugg aabbnnoorrmmaall,,cchhaatt..
The debugging output is sent to the debugging file, which may beprinted using uulog -D.
-II ffiillee,, --ccoonnffiigg ffiillee
Set configuration file to use. This option may not be available,depending upon how uucico was compiled.
-vv,, --vveerrssiioonn
Report version information and exit.--hheellpp
Print a help message and exit.SEE ALSO
kill(1), uucp(1), uux(1), uustat(1), uuxqt(8) AUTHOR Ian Lance TaylorTaylor UUCP 1.07 uucico(8)