usual - access default option-handling commands
for a mega-widget component
uussuuaall ??tag? ?commands?DESCRIPTION
The uussuuaall command is used outside of an [[iinnccrr TTccll]] class definition todefine the usual set of option-handling commands for a component wid-
get. Option-handling commands are used when a component is registered
with the AArrcchheettyyppee base class via the "iittkkccoommppoonneenntt aadddd" method. They specify how the component's configuration options should be integratedinto the composite option list for the mega-widget. Options can be
kept, renamed, or ignored, as described in the AArrcchheettyyppee man page. It is tedious to include the same declarations again and again whenevercomponents are added. The uussuuaall command allows a standard code frag-
ment to be registered for each widget class, which is used by defaultto handle the options. All of the standard Tk widgets have uussuuaall dec-
larations defined in the [[iinnccrr TTkk]] library. Similar uussuuaall declarationsshould be created whenever a new mega-widget class is conceived. Only
the most-generic options should be included in the uussuuaall declaration.
The tag name is usually the name of a widget class, which starts with a
capital letter; however, any string registered here can be used later with the uussuuaall command described on the AArrcchheettyyppee man page. If the commands argument is specified, it is associated with the tag string, and can be accessed later via iittkkccoommppoonneenntt aadddd.If only the tag argument is specified, this command looks for an exist-
ing tag name and returns the commands associated with it. If there are no commands associated with tag, this command returns the null string. If no arguments are specified, this command returns a list of all tag names previously registered. EEXXAAMMPPLLEE Following is the uussuuaall declaration for the standard Tk button widget:usual Button {
keep -background -cursor -foreground -font
keep -activebackground -activeforeground -disabledforeground
keep -highlightcolor -highlightthickness
rename -highlightbackground -background background Background }
Only the options that would be common to all buttons in a single mega-
widget are kept or renamed. Options like "-text" that would be unique
to a particular button are ignored. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSSitk, Archetype, component, mega-widget
itk 3.0 usual(n)