ccuurrsseessvveerrssiioonn, uusseeeexxtteennddeeddnnaammeess - miscellaneous curses extensions
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ccoonnsstt cchhaarr ** ccuurrsseessvveerrssiioonn((vvooiidd));; iinntt uusseeeexxtteennddeeddnnaammeess((bbooooll eennaabbllee));;> DESCRIPTION
These functions are extensions to the curses library which do not fit easily into other categories. Use cursesversion() to get the version number, including patch level of the library, e.g., 55..00..1199999911002233The useextendednames() function controls whether the calling applica-
tion is able to use user-defined or nonstandard names which may be com-
piled into the terminfo description, i.e., via the terminfo or termcap interfaces. Normally these names are available for use, since theessential decision is made by using the -xx option of tic to compile
extended terminal definitions. However you can disable this feature to ensure compatibility with other implementations of curses. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY These routines are specific to ncurses. They were not supported on Version 7, BSD or System V implementations. It is recommended that any code depending on them be conditioned using NCURSESVERSION.SEE ALSO
ccuurrssggeettcchh(3X), ccuurrssmmoouussee(3X), ccuurrsspprriinntt(3X), ddeeffaauullttccoolloorrss(3X), ddeeffiinneekkeeyy(3X), kkeeyybboouunndd(3X), kkeeyyookk(3X), rreessiizzeetteerrmm(3X), wwrreessiizzee(3X). AUTHOR Thomas Dickey. cursextend(3X)