trivial-rewrite - Postfix address rewriting and resolving daemon
ttrriivviiaall-rreewwrriittee [generic Postfix daemon options]
The ttrriivviiaall-rreewwrriittee daemon processes three types of client service
requests: rreewwrriitteeRewrite an address to standard form. The ttrriivviiaall-rreewwrriittee daemon
by default appends local domain information to unqualified addresses, swaps bang paths to domain form, and strips source routing information. This process is under control of several configuration parameters (see below). rreessoollvvee Resolve an address to a (transport, nexthop, recipient) triple. The meaning of the results is as follows: transport The delivery agent to use. This is the first field of an entry in the mmaasstteerr..ccff file. nexthopThe host to send to and optional delivery method informa-
tion. recipientThe envelope recipient address that is passed on to nex-
thop. vveerriiffyy Resolve an address for address verification purposes. SSEERRVVEERR PPRROOCCEESSSS MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTTThe trivial-rewrite servers run under control by the Postfix master
server. Each server can handle multiple simultaneous connections. When all servers are busy while a client connects, the master creates anew server process, provided that the trivial-rewrite server process
limit is not exceeded. Each trivial-rewrite server terminates after
serving at least $$mmaaxxuussee clients of after $$mmaaxxiiddllee seconds of idle
time. STANDARDS None. The command does not interact with the outside world. SSEECCUURRIITTYYThe ttrriivviiaall-rreewwrriittee daemon is not security sensitive. By default, this
daemon does not talk to remote or local users. It can run at a fixed low privilege in a chrooted environment. DIAGNOSTICS Problems and transactions are logged to ssyyssllooggdd(8). CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS On busy mail systems a long time may pass before a mmaaiinn..ccff change affecting trivialrewrite(8) is picked up. Use the command "ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd" to speed up a change. The text below provides only a parameter summary. See postconf(5) for more details including examples. CCOOMMPPAATTIIBBIILLIITTYY CCOONNTTRROOLLSS rreessoollvveeddeeqquuootteeddaaddddrreessss ((yyeess)) Resolve a recipient address safely instead of correctly, by looking inside quotes. rreessoollvveennuullllddoommaaiinn ((nnoo)) Resolve an address that ends in the "@" null domain as if the local hostname were specified, instead of rejecting the address as invalid. AADDDDRREESSSS RREEWWRRIITTIINNGG CCOONNTTRROOLLSSmmyyoorriiggiinn (($$mmyyhhoossttnnaammee))
The default domain name that locally-posted mail appears to come
from, and that locally posted mail is delivered to. aalllloowwppeerrcceenntthhaacckk ((yyeess))Enable the rewriting of the form "user%domain" to "user@domain".
aappppeennddaattmmyyoorriiggiinn ((yyeess))Append the string "@$myorigin" to mail addresses without domain
information. aappppeennddddoottmmyyddoommaaiinn ((yyeess))Append the string ".$mydomain" to addresses that have no
".domain" information. rreecciippiieennttddeelliimmiitteerr ((eemmppttyy)) The separator between user names and address extensions (user+foo). sswwaappbbaannggppaatthh ((yyeess)) Enable the rewriting of "site!user" into "user@site". RROOUUTTIINNGG CCOONNTTRROOLLSS The following is applicable to Postfix version 2.0 and later. Earlier versions do not have support for: virtualtransport, relaytransport, virtualaliasdomains, virtualmailboxdomains or proxyinterfaces.llooccaallttrraannssppoorrtt ((llooccaall::$$mmyyhhoossttnnaammee))
The default mail delivery transport for domains that match$mydestination, $inetinterfaces or $proxyinterfaces.
vviirrttuuaallttrraannssppoorrtt ((vviirrttuuaall)) The default mail delivery transport for domains that match the$virtualmailboxdomains parameter value.
rreellaayyttrraannssppoorrtt ((rreellaayy))The default mail delivery transport and next-hop information for
domains that match the $relaydomains parameter value.
ddeeffaauullttttrraannssppoorrtt ((ssmmttpp)) The default mail delivery transport for domains that do notmatch $mydestination, $inetinterfaces, $proxyinterfaces, $vir-
tualaliasdomains, $virtualmailboxdomains, or $relaydomains.
ppaarreennttddoommaaiinnmmaattcchheessssuubbddoommaaiinnss ((sseeee ''ppoossttccoonnff -dd'' oouuttppuutt))
What Postfix features match subdomains of "domain.tld" automati-
cally, instead of requiring an explicit ".domain.tld" pattern. rreellaayyhhoosstt ((eemmppttyy))The default host to send non-local mail to when no entry is
matched in the optional transport(5) table. ttrraannssppoorrttmmaappss ((eemmppttyy)) Optional lookup tables with mappings from recipient address to(message delivery transport, next-hop destination).
AADDDDRREESSSS VVEERRIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN CCOONNTTRROOLLSSPostfix version 2.1 introduces sender and recipient address verifica-
tion. This feature is implemented by sending probe email messages that are not actually delivered. By default, address verification probes use the same route as regular mail. To override specific aspects of message routing for address verification probes, specify one or more of the following:aaddddrreessssvveerriiffyyllooccaallttrraannssppoorrtt (($$llooccaallttrraannssppoorrtt))
Overrides the localtransport parameter setting for address ver-
ification probes.aaddddrreessssvveerriiffyyvviirrttuuaallttrraannssppoorrtt (($$vviirrttuuaallttrraannssppoorrtt))
Overrides the virtualtransport parameter setting for address verification probes.aaddddrreessssvveerriiffyyrreellaayyttrraannssppoorrtt (($$rreellaayyttrraannssppoorrtt))
Overrides the relaytransport parameter setting for address ver-
ification probes.aaddddrreessssvveerriiffyyddeeffaauullttttrraannssppoorrtt (($$ddeeffaauullttttrraannssppoorrtt))
Overrides the defaulttransport parameter setting for address verification probes.aaddddrreessssvveerriiffyyrreellaayyhhoosstt (($$rreellaayyhhoosstt))
Overrides the relayhost parameter setting for address verifica-
tion probes.aaddddrreessssvveerriiffyyttrraannssppoorrttmmaappss (($$ttrraannssppoorrttmmaappss))
Overrides the transportmaps parameter setting for address veri-
fication probes. MMIISSCCEELLLLAANNEEOOUUSS CCOONNTTRROOLLSSccoonnffiiggddiirreeccttoorryy ((sseeee ''ppoossttccoonnff -dd'' oouuttppuutt))
The default location of the Postfix and con-
figuration files. ddaaeemmoonnttiimmeeoouutt ((1188000000ss)) How much time a Postfix daemon process may take to handle arequest before it is terminated by a built-in watchdog timer.
eemmppttyyaaddddrreessssrreecciippiieenntt ((MMAAIILLEERR-DDAAEEMMOONN))
The recipient of mail addressed to the null address. iippccttiimmeeoouutt ((33660000ss)) The time limit for sending or receiving information over an internal communication channel. mmaaxxiiddllee ((110000ss)) The maximum amount of time that an idle Postfix daemon process waits for the next service request before exiting. mmaaxxuussee ((110000))The maximal number of connection requests before a Postfix dae-
mon process terminates. rreellooccaatteeddmmaappss ((eemmppttyy)) Optional lookup tables with new contact information for users or domains that no longer exist.pprroocceessssiidd ((rreeaadd-oonnllyy))
The process ID of a Postfix command or daemon process.pprroocceessssnnaammee ((rreeaadd-oonnllyy))
The process name of a Postfix command or daemon process.qquueeuueeddiirreeccttoorryy ((sseeee ''ppoossttccoonnff -dd'' oouuttppuutt))
The location of the Postfix top-level queue directory.
sshhoowwuusseerruunnkknnoowwnnttaabblleennaammee ((yyeess)) Display the name of the recipient table in the "User unknown" responses. ssyyssllooggffaacciilliittyy ((mmaaiill)) The syslog facility of Postfix logging. ssyyssllooggnnaammee ((ppoossttffiixx)) The mail system name that is prepended to the process name insyslog records, so that "smtpd" becomes, for example, "post-
fix/smtpd". Available in Postfix version 2.0 and later: hheellppffuullwwaarrnniinnggss ((yyeess))Log warnings about problematic configuration settings, and pro-
vide helpful suggestions.SEE ALSO
postconf(5), configuration parameters transport(5), transport table format relocated(5), format of the "user has moved" table master(8), process manager syslogd(8), system logging README FILES Use "ppoossttccoonnff rreeaaddmmeeddiirreeccttoorryy" or "ppoossttccoonnff hhttmmllddiirreeccttoorryy" to locate this information. ADDRESSCLASSREADME, Postfix address classes howto ADDRESSVERIFICATIONREADME, Postfix address verification LLIICCEENNSSEE The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. AUTHOR(S) Wietse Venema IBM T.J. Watson Research P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USATRIVIAL-REWRITE(8)