trf-intro - Introduction to Trf
package require TTccll ??88..22?? package require TTrrff ??22..11pp22??DESCRIPTION
The package TTrrff provides a number of commands which take data and transform them in various ways. BBAACCKKGGRROOUUNNDDThe implementation of Trf began as proof-of-concept of the validity and
usefulness of the "stacked channel" patches to the core. These patches allow the writing of extensions to the generic I/O system of the core which are able to intercept all read/write operations on designated channels, thus giving it the ability to transform the data flowing through these channels as desired. This allows things like transparent encryption, compression, charset recoding, etc. Since version 8.2 of the tcl core the aforementioned patches are part of the tcl core itself, changing the status of ttrrff from "extension requiring core patches" to "normal extension". Other packages built upon either the stackd channels directly, or Trf are: [1] TTrrffCCrryypptt, by myself, contains various encryption systems [2] TTLLSS, an SSL/TLS implementation by Matt Newman. [3] TTccll MMIIMMEE by Marshall Rose. AAPPII The commands provide by ttrrff can be placed into the three categories listed below. Note that all commands are added to the global namespace. Encodings The encoding commands either take some data and return the same data in encoded form, or take encoded data and return a decoded result. [1] oocctt [2] hheexx [3] oocctt [4] bbaassee6644 [5] uuuueennccooddee [6] aasscciiii8855 [7] oottppwwoorrddss[8] qquuootteedd-pprriinnttaabbllee
Message Digests The second category are message digests in general, simple ones like ccrrcc, and cryptographically strong algorithms like mmdd55.[1] ccrrcc-zzlliibb
[2] ccrrcc [3] aaddlleerr [4] mmdd22 [5] mmdd55 [6] mmdd55oottpp [7] sshhaa [8] sshhaa11 [9] sshhaa11oottpp [10] hhaavvaall[11] rriippeemmdd-116600
[12] rriippeemmdd-112288
Miscellaneous At last a number of commands not readily placed into categoriesproviding password crypting, general transformations, data com-
pression, error correction and others. [1] ccrryypptt [2] mmdd55ccrryypptt [3] ttrraannssffoorrmm [4] rrsseecccc [5] zziipp [6] bbzz22 [7] uunnssttaacckkSEE ALSO
adler, ascii85, base64, bz2, crc, crc-zlib, crypt, haval, hex, md2,
md5, md5otp, md5crypt, oct, otpwords, quoted-printable, ripemd-128,
ripemd-160, rsecc, sha, sha1, sha1otp, transform, uuencode, zip
KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS compression, encoding, error correction, message digest, transformation COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 1996-2003, Andreas Kupries
Trf transformer commands 2.1p2 trf-intro(n)