Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man topsyscall

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man topsyscall

topsyscall(1m) USER COMMANDS topsyscall(1m)


topsyscall - top syscalls by syscall name. Uses DTrace.


ttooppssyyssccaallll [-Cs] [interval [count]]


This program continually prints a report of the top system calls, and refreshes the display every 1 second or as specified at the command line. Since this uses DTrace, only the root user or users with the dtracekernel privilege can run this command. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-C don't clear the screen

-s print per second values

EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS Default output, 1 second updates,

# ttooppssyyssccaallll

Print every 5 seconds,

# ttooppssyyssccaallll 5

Print a scrolling output,

# ttooppssyyssccaallll -C

FFIIEELLDDSS load avg load averages, see uptime(1) syscalls total syscalls in this interval syscalls/s syscalls per second SYSCALL system call name COUNT total syscalls in this interval COUNT/s syscalls per second DDOOCCUUMMEENNTTAATTIIOONN

See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs direc-

tory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with ver-

bose descriptions explaining the output. EEXXIITT

topsyscall will run until Ctrl-C is hit, or the specified interval is

reached. AUTHOR Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]


dtrace(1M), prstat(1M)

version 0.90 Jun 13, 2005 topsyscall(1m)

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