tops - perform in-place substitutions on code.
ttooppss [-hheellpp] [-vveerrbboossee] [-nnooccoonntteexxtt] [-nnooffiilleeiinnffoo] [-sseemmiivveerrbboossee)]
[-ddoonntt] (-ssccrriippttffiillee scriptname) | (ffiinndd ""searchpattern"" [wwhheerree
((""symbol""...)) iissOOnneeOOff {{((""match""...))...}}] ...) | (rreeppllaaccee ""searchpat-
tern"" wwiitthh ""replacementpattern"" | ssaammee [wwhheerree ((""symbol""...)) iissOOnneeOOff {{((""match""...))...}}]... [wwiitthhiinn ((""symbol"")) {{...}}]... [eerrrroorr ""message""] [wwaarrnniinngg ""message""]) | ( rreeppllaacceemmeetthhoodd ""selector"" wwiitthh ""newselector""{{ [rreeppllaaccee ""symbol"" wwiitthh ""symbolreplacement""]... }} [wwhheerree ((""symbol""...)) iissOOnneeOOff {{((""match"" ...))...}}]... [wwiitthhiinn ((""symbol"")) {{...}}]... [eerrrroorr""message""] [wwaarrnniinngg ""message""] ) [-ccllaassssffiillee classfile] [filename ...]
ttooppss is a tool that performs in-place substitutions on source files
according to a set of rules. Each tops rule describes a particular
translation. For example, one tops rule might specify that occurrences
of the token 'Application' should be converted to 'NSApplication'. Intops syntax, this rule will appear as:
replace "Application" with "NSApplication" OOPPTTIIOONNSS-hheellpp Displays the tops syntax line.
Prints out the source code lines that are being changed by the command.-nnooccoonntteexxtt
Instead of printing the whole source code line that is being changed or searched for, shows only the portion of the line that has the change.-nnooffiilleeiinnffoo
Does not print the file name and line number information in ver-
bose messages.-sseemmiivveerrbboossee
Shows how much of the file has been processed.-ddoonntt Shows what changes would be made to the source code without
actually performing the changes.-ssccrriippttffiillee scriptname
Specifies the script file containing the rules that tops will
apply to your code. The script file can contain three types ofrules: ffiinndd, rreeppllaaccee, and rreeppllaacceemmeetthhoodd. It also can contain C-
style comments, /* ... */. ffiinndd ""searchpattern"" Locates all occurrences of searchpattern in the file. searchpattern can contain literal strings and tokens in angle brackets, as described below. wwhheerree ((""symbol""...)) iissOOnneeOOff {{((""match""...))...}} When searchpattern contains tokens in angle brackets, further refines what the token specified by symbol should match. rreeppllaaccee ""searchpattern"" wwiitthh ""replacementpattern"" | ssaammee Replaces all occurrences of searchpattern in the file with replacementpattern. ssaammee replaces searchpattern with itself. You usually use ssaammee when you want to print out an error or warning message instead of replacing the code. wwiitthhiinn ((""symbol"")) {{...}} Specifies further conversions within one of the tokens specified in searchpattern. ffiinndd, rreeppllaaccee, and rreeppllaacceemmeetthhoodd rules can appear within the angle brackets. eerrrroorr ""message""Generates an ##eerrrroorr message located at searchpattern.
wwaarrnniinngg ""message""Generates a ##wwaarrnniinngg message located at searchpattern.
rreeppllaacceemmeetthhoodd ""selector"" wwiitthh ""newselector"" Replaces all invocations, declarations, implementations, and@@sseelleeccttoorr expressions using the method selector with newselec-
tor.-ccllaassssffiillee classfile
Specifies a file that describes the class hierarchy used by the files being processed. filename ...Specifies the source file(s) you want to convert. You can spec-
ify more than one filename, separated by spaces. The files areconverted in place; no backups are created. If no file is speci-
fied, the tops commands are performed on standard input.
The simplest search pattern is a literal string, such as "Application".Within the search pattern, you can define tokens that specify a partic-
ular syntax element rather than a literal string. The tokens have the form: <> where: type Specifies the type of syntax element the token can match with. label Is a unique label that you assign to the token. type can be one of the following: aa Matches any sequence of tokens. bb Matches any balanced sequence of tokens, that is, a sequence of tokens within parentheses or curly braces. ee Matches any expression. This is the default. ss Matches any string. tt Matches any one token. ww Matches white space, including comments. In a rreeppllaacceemmeetthhoodd rule, three subtokens are defined for each token you specify in the selector. For each token < > in the selector, rreeppllaacceemmeetthhoodd defines the following. The Examples section shows an example of using one of these. < > Represents the tokens in the invocation of the method, that is, what is supplied for the foo argument. < > Represents the type for foo that appears in the declaration. < > Represents the parameter in the declaration. rreeppllaacceemmeetthhoodd also defines the following labels: < > Represents the body of the method implementation (not including curly braces). < > Represents the receiver of the message. < > Represents the entire method invocation (including the square brackets). EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS The following is a typical ttooppss command invocation. The script file MyRules.tops contains the ffiinndd, rreeppllaaccee, and rreeppllaacceemmeetthhoodd rules that
are performed on the files in MyProjectDir. The -sseemmiivveerrbboossee option
means that name of the file being processed and the progress of the command will be printed to standard output.tops -semiverbose -scriptfile MyRules.tops MyProjectDir/*.[hm]
The following is a typical rule that a tops script file would contain.
The rule renames the method rreemmoovveeRRoowwAAtt::aannddFFrreeee:: torreemmoovveeRRooww::aannddRReelleeaassee:: in all invocations, declarations, implementa-
tions, and @@sseelleeccttoorr expressions. replacemethod "removeRowAt:andFree:" with "removeRow:andRelease:" The following rule marks all calls to the function NNXXGGeettNNaammeeddOObbjjeecctt(()) with the error message. ssaammee means replace this function with itself. NNXXGGeettNNaammeeddOObbjjeecctt(()) will still appear in the file, but it will be markedby the error message. <
ments in between the parentheses as well. replace "NXGetNamedObject()" with same> specifies to replace all of the argu- error "ApplicationConversion: NXGetNamedObject() is obso-
lete. Replace with nib file outlets." The following rule renames the method in all occurrences, and swaps the second and third argument in all invocations and declarations. replacemethod "browser:fillMatrix:<2>inColumn:<3>" with "browser:createRowsForColumn:<3>inMatrix:<2>"The following rule renames the method in all occurrences. In the invo-
cations, it reverses the value specified for the flag argument. replacemethod "myMethod:" with "myNewMethod: " { replace " " with "! " } The following rule renames the method iinniittCCoonntteenntt::ssttyyllee::bbaacckkiinngg::bbuuttttoonn-
MMaasskk::ddeeffeerr:: to iinniittWWiitthhCCoonntteennttRReecctt::ssttyylleeMMaasskk::bbaacckkiinngg::ddeeffeerr:: in all occurrences. In the declarations of this method, it changes the type for the style argument to be uunnssiiggnneedd iinntt and the type for the backing argument to be NSBackingStoreType. replacemethod "" with " " { replace " " with "(unsigned int)" replace " " with "(NSBackingStoreType)" } where ("
tent:style:", " ") isOneOf { ("initCon-