tnc - tnc is an expat parser object extension, that validates the XML
stream against the document DTD while parsing.SYNOPSIS
package require tdompackage require tnc
set parser [expat]tnc $parser enable
tnc adds the C handler set "tnc" to a tcl expat parser obj. This han-
dler set is a simple DTD validator. If the validator detects a valida-
tion error, it sets the interp result, signals error and stops parsing. There isn't any validation error recovering. As a consequence, only valid documents are completely parsed. This handler set has only three methods: ttnncc parserObj eennaabblleeAdds the tnc C handler set to a Tcl expat parser object.
ttnncc parserObj rreemmoovveeRemoves the tnc validatore from the parser parserObj and frees
all information, stored by it. ttnncc parserObj ggeettVVaalliiddaatteeCCmmdd ??vvaalliiddaatteeCCmmddNNaammee?? Returns a new created validation command, if one is avaliable from the parser command, otherwise it signals error. The name of the validation command is the validateCmdName, if this optionalargument was given, or a random choosen name. A validation com-
mand is avaliable in a parser command, if the parser with tnc
enabled was previously used, to parse an XML document with a valid doctype declaration, a valid external subset, if one was given by the doctype declaration, and a valid internal subset.The further document doesn't need to be valid, to make the vali-
dation command avaliable. The validation command can only getreceived one time from the parser command. The created valida-
tion command has this syntax: vvaalliiddaattiioonnCCmmdd method ?args? The valid methods are: vvaalliiddaatteeDDooccuummeenntt domDocument ?varName? Checks, if the given domDocument is valid against the DTD information represented by the validation command. Returns 1, if the document ist valid, 0 otherwise. If the varName argument is given, then the variable it names is set to the detected reason for the validation error or to the empty string in case of a valid document. vvaalliiddaatteeTTrreeee elementNode ?varName? Checks, if the given subtree with domNode as root element is a posible valid subtree of a document conforming tothe DTD information represented by teh validation com-
mand. IDREF could not checked, while validating only a subtree, but it is checked, that every known ID attribute in the subtree is unique. Returns 1, if the subtree is OK, 0 otherwise. If the varName argument is given, then the variable it names is set to the detected reason for the validation error or to the empty string in case of a valid subtree. vvaalliiddaatteeAAttttrriibbuutteess elementNode ?varName? Checks, if there is an element declaration for the nameof the elementNode in the DTD represented by the valida-
tion command and, if yes, if the attributes of the ele-
mentNode are conform to the ATTLIST declarations for that element in the DTD. Returns 1, if the attributes and there value types are OK, 0 otherwise. If the varName argument is given, then the variable it names is set to the detected reason for the validation error or to the empty string in case the element has all its required attributes, only declared attributes and the values of the attributes matches there type. ddeelleettee Deletes the validation command and frees the memory used by it. Returns the empty string.BUGS
The validation error reports could be much more informative and user-
friendly.The validator doesn't detect ambiguous content models (see XML recomen-
dation Section 3.2.1 and Appendix E). Most Java validators also doesn't, but handle such content models right anyhow. Tnc does not; ifyour DTD has such ambiguous content models, tnc can not used to vali-
date documents against such (not completely XML spec compliant) DTDs. It isn't possible to validate XML documents with standalone="yes" in the XML Declaration Violations of the validity constraints Proper Group/PE Nesting and Proper Conditional Section/PE Nesting are not detected. They could only happen inside a invalid DTD, not in the content of a document. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS Validation, DTDTcl tnc(n)