tlsmgr - Postfix TLS session cache and PRNG handling manager
ttllssmmggrr [generic Postfix daemon options]DESCRIPTION
The tlsmgr process does housekeeping on the session cache database
files. It runs through the databases and removes expired entries and entries written by older (incompatible) versions.The tlsmgr is responsible for the PRNG handling. The used internal
OpenSSL PRNG has a pool size of 8192 bits (= 1024 bytes). The pool isinitially seeded at startup from an external source (EGD or /dev/uran-
dom) and additional seed is obtained later during program run at a con-
figurable interval. The exact time of each successive seed query israndomly distributed in the range of [0-ttllssrraannddoommrreesseeeeddppeerriioodd] with
ttllssrraannddoommrreesseeeeddppeerriioodd having a default of 1 hour.Tlsmgr can be run chrooted and with dropped privileges, as it will con-
nect to the entropy source at startup. The PRNG is additionally seeded internally by the data found in the session cache and timevalues. Tlsmgr reads the old value of the exchange file at startup to keep entropy already collected during previous runs. From the PRNG random pool a cryptographically strong 1024 byte random sequence is written into the PRNG exchange file. The file is updatedperiodically with the time changing randomly from [0-ttllssrraann-
ddoommpprrnngguuppddaatteeppeerriioodd]. STANDARDSSSEECCUURRIITTYYTlsmgr is not security-sensitive. It only deals with external data to
be fed into the PRNG, its content is never trusted. The session cache housekeeping will only remove entries if expired and will never touch the contents of the cached data. DIAGNOSTICS Problems and transactions are logged to the syslog daemon.BUGS
There is no automatic means to limit the number of entries in the ses-
sion caches and/or the size of the session cache files. CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSSThe following mmaaiinn..ccff parameters are especially relevant to this pro-
gram. See the Postfix mmaaiinn..ccff file for syntax details and for default values. Use the ppoossttffiixx rreellooaadd command after a configuration change. SSeessssiioonn CCaacchhee ssmmttppddttllsssseessssiioonnccaacchheeddaattaabbaassee Name of the SDBM file (type sdbm:) containing the SMTP server session cache. If the file does not exist, it is created. ssmmttppddttllsssseessssiioonnccaacchheettiimmeeoouutt Expiry time of SMTP server session cache entries in seconds. Entries older than this are removed from the session cache. Acleanup-run is performed periodically every ssmmttppddttllsssseess-
ssiioonnccaacchheettiimmeeoouutt seconds. Default is 3600 (= 1 hour). ssmmttppttllsssseessssiioonnccaacchheeddaattaabbaassee Name of the SDBM file (type sdbm:) containing the SMTP client session cache. If the file does not exist, it is created. ssmmttppttllsssseessssiioonnccaacchheettiimmeeoouutt Expiry time of SMTP client session cache entries in seconds. Entries older than this are removed from the session cache. Acleanup-run is performed periodically every ssmmttppttllsssseess-
ssiioonnccaacchheettiimmeeoouutt seconds. Default is 3600 (= 1 hour). PPsseeuuddoo RRaannddoomm NNuummbbeerr GGeenneerraattoorr ttllssrraannddoommssoouurrccee Name of the EGD socket or device or regular file to obtain entropy from. The type of entropy source must be specified by preceding the name with the appropriate type: egd:/path/to/egdsocket, dev:/path/to/devicefile, or/path/to/regular/file. tlsmgr opens ttllssrraannddoommssoouurrccee and tries
to read ttllssrraannddoommbbyytteess from it. ttllssrraannddoommbbyytteess Number of bytes to be read from ttllssrraannddoommssoouurrccee. Default value is 32 bytes. If using EGD, a maximum of 255 bytes is read. ttllssrraannddoommeexxcchhaannggeennaammeeName of the file written by tlsmgr and read by smtp and smtpd at
startup. The length is 1024 bytes. Default value is /etc/post-
fix/prngexch. ttllssrraannddoommrreesseeeeddppeerriioodd Time in seconds until the next reseed from external sources is due. This is the maximum value. The actual point in time is calculated with a random factor equally distributed between 0 and this maximum value. Default is 3600 (= 60 minutes). ttllssrraannddoommpprrnngguuppddaatteeppeerriioodd Time in seconds until the PRNG exchange file is updated with new pseude random values. This is the maximum value. The actualpoint in time is calculated with a random factor equally dis-
tributed between 0 and this maximum value. Default is 60 (= 1 minute).SEE ALSO
smtp(8) SMTP client smtpd(8) SMTP server LLIICCEENNSSEE The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. AUTHOR(S) TLSMGR(8)