Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man tk_getOpenFile

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man tk_getOpenFile

tkgetOpenFile(n) Tk Built-In Commands tkgetOpenFile(n)


tkgetOpenFile, tkgetSaveFile - pop up a dialog box for the user to

select a file to open or save.


ttkkggeettOOppeennFFiillee ?option value ...? ttkkggeettSSaavveeFFiillee ?option value ...?


The procedures ttkkggeettOOppeennFFiillee and ttkkggeettSSaavveeFFiillee pop up a dialog box

for the user to select a file to open or save. The ttkkggeettOOppeennFFiillee com-

mand is usually associated with the OOppeenn command in the FFiillee menu. Its purpose is for the user to select an existing file only. If the user

enters an non-existent file, the dialog box gives the user an error

prompt and requires the user to give an alternative selection. If an application allows the user to create new files, it should do so by providing a separate NNeeww menu command.

The ttkkggeettSSaavveeFFiillee command is usually associated with the SSaavvee aass com-

mand in the FFiillee menu. If the user enters a file that already exists, the dialog box prompts the user for confirmation whether the existing file should be overwritten or not.

The following option-value pairs are possible as command line arguments

to these two commands:

-ddeeffaauulltteexxtteennssiioonn extension

Specifies a string that will be appended to the filename if the user enters a filename without an extension. The defaut value is the empty string, which means no extension will be appended to

the filename in any case. This option is ignored on the Macin-

tosh platform, which does not require extensions to filenames, | and the UNIX implementation guesses reasonable values for this |

from the -ffiilleettyyppeess option when this is not supplied.

-ffiilleettyyppeess filePatternList

If a FFiillee ttyyppeess listbox exists in the file dialog on the partic-

ular platform, this option gives the filetypes in this listbox. When the user choose a filetype in the listbox, only the files of that type are listed. If this option is unspecified, or if it is set to the empty list, or if the FFiillee ttyyppeess listbox is not supported by the particular platform then all files are listed

regardless of their types. See the section SPECIFYING FILE PAT-

TERNS below for a discussion on the contents of filePatternList.

-iinniittiiaallddiirr directory

Specifies that the files in directory should be displayed when the dialog pops up. If this parameter is not specified, then the files in the current working directory are displayed. If the

parameter specifies a relative path, the return value will con-

vert the relative path to an absolute path. This option may not always work on the Macintosh. This is not a bug. Rather, the General Controls control panel on the Mac allows the end user to override the application default directory.

-iinniittiiaallffiillee filename

Specifies a filename to be displayed in the dialog when it pops up. This option is ignored on the Macintosh platform.


Allows the user to choose multiple files from the Open dialog.

On the Macintosh, this is only available when Navigation Ser-

vices are installed.

-mmeessssaaggee string

Specifies a message to include in the client area of the dialog.

This is only available on the Macintosh, and only when Naviga-

tion Services are installed.

-ppaarreenntt window

Makes window the logical parent of the file dialog. The file dialog is displayed on top of its parent window.

-ttiittllee titleString

Specifies a string to display as the title of the dialog box. If this option is not specified, then a default title is displayed. If the user selects a file, both ttkkggeettOOppeennFFiillee and ttkkggeettSSaavveeFFiillee

return the full pathname of this file. If the user cancels the opera-

tion, both commands return the empty string. SSPPEECCIIFFYYIINNGG FFIILLEE PPAATTTTEERRNNSS

The filePatternList value given by the -ffiilleettyyppeess option is a list of

file patterns. Each file pattern is a list of the form typeName {extension ?extension ...?} ?{macType ?macType ...?}? typeName is the name of the file type described by this file pattern

and is the text string that appears in the FFiillee ttyyppeess listbox. exten-

sion is a file extension for this file pattern. macType is a four-

character Macintosh file type. The list of macTypes is optional and may

be omitted for applications that do not need to execute on the Macin-

tosh platform. Several file patterns may have the same typeName, in which case they refer to the same file type and share the same entry in the listbox. When the user selects an entry in the listbox, all the files that match at least one of the file patterns corresponding to that entry are listed. Usually, each file pattern corresponds to a distinct type of file. The use of more than one file patterns for one type of file is necessary on the Macintosh platform only. On the Macintosh platform, a file matches a file pattern if its name matches at least one of the extension(s) AND it belongs to at least one of the macType(s) of the file pattern. For example, the CC SSoouurrccee FFiilleess file pattern in the sample code matches with files that have a extension AND belong to the macType TTEEXXTT. To use the OR rule instead, you can use two file patterns, one with the extensions only and the other with the macType only. The GGIIFF FFiilleess file type in the sample code

matches files that EITHER have a ..ggiiff extension OR belong to the mac-

Type GGIIFFFF. On the Unix and Windows platforms, a file matches a file pattern if its name matches at at least one of the extension(s) of the file pattern. The macTypes are ignored. SSPPEECCIIFFYYIINNGG EEXXTTEENNSSIIOONNSS

On the Unix and Macintosh platforms, extensions are matched using glob-

style pattern matching. On the Windows platforms, extensions are matched by the underlying operating system. The types of possible extensions are: (1) the special extension * matches any file; (2) the special extension "" matches any files that do not have an extension (i.e., the filename contains no full stop character); (3) any character string that does not contain any wild card characters (* and ?). Due to the different pattern matching rules on the various platforms, to ensure portability, wild card characters are not allowed in the extensions, except as in the special extension *. Extensions without a

full stop character (e.g, ~) are allowed but may not work on all plat-

forms. EEXXAAMMPPLLEE set types { {{Text Files} {.txt} } {{TCL Scripts} {.tcl} } {{C Source Files} {.c} TEXT} {{GIF Files} {.gif} } {{GIF Files} {} GIFF} {{All Files} * } }

set filename [tkgetOpenFile -filetypes $types]

if {$filename != ""} {

# Open the file ...



tkchooseDirectory KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS file selection dialog Tk 4.2 tkgetOpenFile(n)

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