ttggaammmmaa, llggaammmmaa, ggaammmmaa - gamma and log of gamma
##iinncclluuddee <
double ttggaammmmaa(double x); long double ttggaammmmaall(long double x); float ttggaammmmaaff(float x); double llggaammmmaa(double x); long double llggaammmmaall(long double x); float llggaammmmaaff(float x); double ggaammmmaa(double x);> DESCRIPTION
ttggaammmmaa() calculates the gamma function of x. llggaammmmaa() calculates the natural logorithm of the absolute value of the gamma function of x. ggaammmmaa() is the same function as tgamma. Its use is deprecated. SSPPEECCIIAALL VVAALLUUEESSttggaammmmaa(+-0) returns +-infinity and raises the "divide-by-zero" floating-
point exception.ttggaammmmaa(x) returns a NaN and raises the "invalid" floating-point exception
if x is a negative integer.ttggaammmmaa(-infinity) returns a NaN and raises the "invalid" floating-point
exception. ttggaammmmaa(+infinity) returns +infinity. ttggaammmmaa(x) generates a domain error if x is a negative integer or if the result cannnot be respresented when x is 0. A range error may occur if the magnitude of x is too large or too small. ggaammmmaa() has the same behavior as ttggaammmmaa(). llggaammmmaa(1) returns +0. llggaammmmaa(2) returns +0.llggaammmmaa(x) returns +infinity and raises the "divide-by-zero" floating-
point exception if x is a negative integer or 0.llggaammmmaa(+-infinity) returns +infinity.
llggaammmmaa(x) generates a range error if x is too large. A range error may occur if x is a negative integer or 0. NNOOTTEEllggaammmmaa(x) and its variants have the (non-threadsafe) side-effect of set-
ting the global variable signgam to +-1, equal to the sign of ttggaammmmaa(x).
math(3) STANDARDS The ttggaammmmaa() , and llggaammmmaa() functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999(E). Oct 9, 2006